Are Dream’s Minecraft Speedruns Cheated? Feat. Geosquare

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Geosquare’s Video:
Investigation Report:
Dream’s Original Response:

Dream’s Responses to Geo’s video:

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Editor: Goomba –


40 thoughts on “Are Dream’s Minecraft Speedruns Cheated? Feat. Geosquare”

  1. It might not seem much but he just lost my respect today. And probably many more. I just hope that at least he calms down first and admits it. He tends to get a bit aggressive first when he gets mad. I.e the Iron door, Jawsh, fake manhunt accusation, glow squid incident.

  2. I dont like dream, but this is just prosecutors fallacy:

    There is nothing he can say to his defense…. These numbers are simply not relevant at all. You can imagine it as: "Chances of you being born is almost 0%, times that by the chance you were born in this time and in this place. This will lead you: By any reasonable measure you had no chance of being born by factor of billions… So now defend, why are you born."

  3. His response was very unprofessional, specially for a big YouTuber. He had two choices to react, either he admits it, or he denies it and show ACTUAL evidence. So far he hasn't shown any, so now it's just a complete denial on his side. This, combined with his video about stans, just shows how very bad he is at taking criticisms.

    If you guys don't know, many people have made videos about how toxic some of dream's stans are. Dream responded to this by saying "do not generalise my stans" when clearly, the video focuses on the toxic stans, not on the whole fan base. He clearly didn't see the whole point of the videos and went defensive. He could've said "My fans, please don't toxic, and I'm not saying that most of you are, I'm saying that some of you are so toxic it damages other content creators" instead of "my fans good brrrr you just big bad boohoo don't generalise wheeeeez"

  4. Tbh I have a feeling if it’s fully confirmed as a faked speed run I feel Dream will probably go and say how it “doesn’t matter” and basically say what he said about the Glowsquid situation about how it’s not a serious issue…and if he does it’ll at least make me realize what I actually hate about Dream as a person

  5. dream really just said that geosquare put his name there just for views
    lmao dream only got big because his first 3 vids had pewdiepie in the thumbnail and title 🤣

  6. This does make me think Dream is cheating, as his response does seem to confirm that those rates of gold spent to pearls gotten were true and not something the accuser made up (since the accuser could have said he spent only half as much gold as he actually did).

    But I guess, and this is just me spitballing, there is a possibility that both of the random number generators are made in such as way that they have long spurts of high or low number pulls. So because he has to have a series of lucky number calls to make it to the Nether, then that means he would be in a period of high rolls that would continue through the Nether. Thus give him the seemingly incredible numbers, as he only reaches the Nether in these theoretical high number periods.

    But in order for this to be the case, that would mean both RNG systems use something resembling a noise generator, which I have not heard of before and sounds like very questionable design to do that. So until such a thing can be proven to be in the game, I believe he is faking this.

  7. Why is dream so pressed about them using his name in the title for views? He did the same thing with pewdiepie. Hes no stranger to this method. Like fr chill the fuck out before you tweet about shit.

  8. There’s one thing I want to know.

    Why does the sampling bias not matter? Why not look at other runs? Or would that simply be too much data?

    I do believe he cheated, just wonderin why the bias doesn’t matter too much.

  9. So I do have to point out that if the odds are based solely on the number provided in Geosquare's video, then the sample size is not quite large enough to be statistically viable. 262 trades is a lot, and getting 40+ pearls from that many trades is quite high, but in statistics you have to understand the law of large numbers and a regression to the mean. I'm sure millions of gold is being traded with Piglins every day, and in numbers that large is where you see the average values reflected accurately(You tend toward the mean once you reach about a thousand in most cases). But if I were to trade with a Piglin 20 times and get a pearl every single time, it doesn't mean that it was cheated. The fact is that even if the luck of his trades was high, they are not impossible. I don't know for sure what to think about this, but Improbable definitely does mean possible.

  10. ngl, I like the guy but damnnnn, the way he responds to criticism or anything that goes against him is kinda unprofessional. Geosquare's analysis is actually reasonable and he didn't really hate on Dream, he was just stating stats and probability. Maybe Dream can counter this investigation but then again the way he just says "Geosquare go back to the circus" or the "you're an idiot" replies are too much.


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