Excuse me ill make this right First steve can ban cipher and /kill Second well hes like infinite immortal peoples durability meaning his (UNKILLABLE) so why would cipher win with someone who is (UNKILLABLE) Third most reasonable if steve is in danger he could trap himself in bedrock And 4th he can use the axe to put cipher on bedrock box
Bill Cipher wins negative diff ☠️ Steve, even in creative, is big planet level compared to bill's hyperversal ☠️
Steve:/kill Bill_Cipher
Steve gamemode 1 =god
Steve causally have cmds that can give him a command block which bends reality to his greatest desires and will💪🏿🗿
Steve:/kill @e
/kill Bill_Cipher [repeating command block]
I wake up to reality
wake up to reality
Power of command
Steve:/kill Bill cipher
Bill chipper ini minecraft,and steve belike:/kill @e
Steve Slaps, Bill only OverPowered on 2D not in 3D like Steve did😂
Excuse me ill make this right
First steve can ban cipher and /kill
Second well hes like infinite immortal peoples durability meaning his (UNKILLABLE) so why would cipher win with someone who is (UNKILLABLE)
Third most reasonable if steve is in danger he could trap himself in bedrock
And 4th he can use the axe to put cipher on bedrock box
steve: *walks into Bill and activates the TNT trap*
Bill: what the fu-
this is a joke with minecraft pyramids
Steve : /kill bill cipher
Bill cipher : dead
Never let them know your next move: DELETES MINECRAFT
Player controlled Steve(creative) Wins no diff but No player Steve(creative) Bill wins High Diff
/kill @a
/deop bill cipher
Now do creative steve plus crazy and troll craft mod and ssundee force
Steve:/Kill Bill_Cipher
Bill: WAIT died
Steve:/Ban Bill_Cipher L
Agree to disagree