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Today we are playing gold rush with a ton of new armor
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@Captain Blast’Em!
#Minecraft #JeromeASF
Production Music courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com/
Who remembered when they used to have the stables that had horses and diamonds
If this comment is in the video I will sub
I have same head phones
But have you ever put a mentos in a black hole????
Happy 2021 Jerome
Sad days i really wanted to see who would have won but no STEVE 🙁
Twin challenge in btd6 towers must be exactly the same in one round
get rid of the liby
Plz play terraria Jerome with the buddies plz ☹️
Ya no, using the watch of flowing time is cheating, it is only there so you don't have to wait for everything to smelt, not so you can Uber mine.
Jeromeasf 2021 Science rules
i knew this video would happen after the afk prank
Im sorry but did Jerome just quote Mr.Brightside but using Steve.
Tell Steve you are poopy
Matt and Steve: blatantly cheat by using the watch of flowing time on the drills
Blade: unleashes Drapsey as punishment on Cappy and Jerome cause they took advantage of Blade standing in front of their base, even though a /kill was punishment enough
…no one gonna mention the Mr brightside lyrics…
I give the win to Jerome mate and Steve cheated
We need bed wars again
Please do more ark
Soda + mentos =big boom
Jerome:Extra Science
Cappie: don’t tell them
My mind:he said don’t do it so I’m go do it
This is a classic https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJnLDsy4/
Wait so what did matt and steve do to win? I couldn’t understand what matt said and i kept rewinding
Jerome:huge upper defense me: What?!?
Who wants to join me in my rule where when you watch one of jeromes vids you where his merch it is a rule I follow you should try it out
Boooo not fair🤣🤣🤣
I havent seen this legend for sometime man im resubbing
Jerome: where gonna win this
Steve: secretly cheats
Jerome: thats cheating
Steve: thats extra science
We need longer game versions of this
I miss scrap mechanics
I really wish Jerome was more committed to his series' nowadays, Philza did a 5 YEAR run in Minecraft vanilla hardcore 1 life and Jerome can't even do troll craft for two months
Hey that is where matt afk and jerome prank him
We need rainbow lucky block please
Hello Jerome u are really good YouTuber and keep up the good work
What Steve did was such a cheat
6:57 below Jerome’s can
Oh no
can we pls have more cookie camp
Booooooooooo why
Dropsy is afk prank
When they don't relize there is the sables which generate diamonds and the button mine which also gives diamonds
4:38 funniest Jerome voice ever😂😂😂😂😂
This guy almost gave me a heart attack just by clicking on the video
Cheter mc cheter STEVE! and im not don white you matt.