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Minecraft Manhunt, But I’m A Redstone Genius…
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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt
When is dev’s turn?
Any other create players here who cant get over the fact that hes using CREATIVE MOTORS and not just 1, hes not linking it with belts, HE JUST PUTS A MOTOR WHEREVER AAAAAA
Guys i think Kier had pearls in his inventory
rematch needed
cant wait for devs twist 😈😈😈😈
Alternative title: making dev break his setup out of rage for 21 minutes and 15 seconds
Alll that work just to get punched off into the void by a psycho naked man 😭😂
Minecraft but I’m a blue stone genius.
Skill issue kier
I was waiting for this video
I like this mod. The mod is called the create mod
I have to say, for the absolute PAIN you put Dev through, that ending was the most EPIC FAIL ever. This has hands down become my all time favorite manhunt.
16:39 yay bedrock bridging
Anyone want to download this mod its called create mod
First video I watched and was growled by my parents to go to sleep because it was midnight and ii thought there would be no shouting but I enjoyed your video.
Just subscribed and bell notification is on
We need a rematch because I'd love to see more lol
Your gaming superb
why does most of the time lose when he is speedrunner
i hope you do the secret santa editing thing btw
this is op ur the best!
for anyone wondering, its called the create mod
Dev has never been happier at the end of a kier manhunt
Do a manhunt with "the wave shaders" or "trippy shaders"!
Haha click bait go brr
But seriously, u can't damage a player with the saw like that.
i know I'm late but we realised that dev could blocked those arrows with blocks
I wish I could do these kinda things on bedrock
The way kier died though, so sad
Create is the best mod❤