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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
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#PhoenixSC #Creative
but to be fair, you can absolutely rip paper with a rock
How about grass block / wool / dirt block
sheep eats grass to make wool
dirt get converted by grass
dirt starve sheep so no wool can grow
No it’s not you can rip the paper with the sharp end of the stone duh
someone explain to me the joke at the beginning
Cactus beats cactus. Cactus beats cactus. And cactus beats cactus. Problem Solved.
i mean it makes as much sense as regular rps, if you cover a rock with paper it isnt gonna do anything. with rock against scissors it makes sense, if you were to smash a rock onto a pair of scissors, it would break, if you use scissors properly on a piece of paper, its cut in half. but what can paper do against a rock? if anything, id say you can use a rock as a paperweight, defeating the paper. our entire society has been based around playing rock paper scissors for mellennia, but maybe its time for change
You are trying to find logic in this, but forget that in the original game paper bears rock
Stone, paper, shears?
rock: cobblestome
paper: paper
scissors: shears (the relative or closest resemblance to the scissors)
pollar bear > fox
fox > rabbit (yes they do hunt rabbit)
killer bunny(still a rabbit) > player
player > pollar bear
1:23 It would have worked better if they used a fence post that wasn't connected to anything, which would specify that it was placed as a block and not dropped as an item.
You're silly. You're a silly man.
2:33 Ominous noises~
What about
Anvil: kills player
Player: destroys crop
Crop: destroys anvil
İ deny paper İst the right item for stone
ok now do rock paper scissors lizard spock
Actually the creeper ocelot steve one is correct if we make it so anyone frightens each other
Steve – frightens the ocelot
Ocelot -frightens the creeper
Creeper – frightens steve
No matter at what stage of the game you are you are most likely be like "oh shoot a creeper"
Yooooooo I'm he guy who made the netherite axe post, u/Noam18AM really cool to be in a video
why did it take me a full 10 seconds to figure out the last one
But thats not a rock, thats a stone….
Wait a minute, rock and stone?
What does filling empty space with beds mean!!!???? Please 😢 explain 😂😢😂
I should not have been drinking water when the final RPS graphic showed up on screen 😂
Griefer kills noob, noob kills tree, tree kills griefer.
Villager, zombie, iron golumn.
Villager pasifies golumn
Golumn kills zombie
Zombie kills villager
I am confused as heck
I knew it was coming
If its a full block the cactus doesn't grow
Sweet berries defeats polar bear, polar bear defeats fox, fox defeats sweet berries. You can’t find one better than that.
Shouldn't it be Lava, Sponge, Water?
tnt (explosion) – puts out fire but can't destroy nether star
wither star – supports tnt but not fire
fire – destroys wither star but put out by tnt