Rex is back! | Minecraft | ROSETHORN #20

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UNi’s friends make a new friend today, Rose a flower shop owner and also Rex is back!

Big Thanks to Lying for the mod support so give them a sub @Remember Comics
New music from @Life.1: Animation & Music
go subscribe and check them out!

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Thank you for watching the video AND subscribe to my friends!

Fizzy – @FizzySoda_
Linsy – @Ersalin
Nick – @Shootzki
Jon – @JonJon
Ashlie – @AshlieCeleste
Davis – @The Invisible Davis
Kat – @Queen Kat
Dawn – @DawnOfRiku
Anubis –


#UNiCOMICS #Minecraft #MinecraftRoleplay


26 thoughts on “Rex is back! | Minecraft | ROSETHORN #20”

  1. Uni pulls out a bat on an officer
    Me: Anyone who pulls out a baseball bat on an officer will be beaten with a baseball bat before getting thrown in jail to get beaten with a baseball bat again

  2. Ashlie's entire dialog towards Uni in this series (especially the latest episodes) makes me feel she dislikes him immensely, to the point of bullying. I understand sometimes why she acts so distasteful from some of his actions, but often times I just don't get it. She continuously blames and accuses him over things he doesn't actually do or intend, even though she should know that about him by now. Seems as though everyone (including Nick and Jon) understand him well enough. She often acts like a bully from my perspective. Then again, she doesn't have to like Uni just because her friends do and has a right to just dislike a person and be annoyed by them. Maybe that's it.

    Obviously I don't mean this in reference to their actual friendship. I specifically mean this rp. Sometimes in this rp, the character is unnecessarily rude. I can't enjoy her character as much as I'd like to.


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