Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft!

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Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft!


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23 thoughts on “Rebuilding My Mega Base in Hardcore Minecraft!”

  1. next video is the last random game one and then its onto the new futuristic series! i hope youre all ready for it, been trying out new editing styles with it and i think youll all love the new modpack!!

  2. Skyes.. I fully support your decision on leaving your hardcore world… I have been watching this world grow from the first episode (before the 1,000 day movie) and you have accomplished a lot, more than many other players. Yes . . . it will be sad seeing this world go, but it is time for a change. I had a hardcore world (the one i was replicating the Auto Inator in) for around 700 days, on the 300 day marker i changed some .DAT files to make it survival and that helped me become more motivated. (my main point of this is when you get burnt out and less motivated of soemthing, try something new or change it). Looking forward to the new series!

  3. 4:19 Thoughts on which all series you should continue:
    Personally, I absolutely love this hardcore series, the raft, one block sky block and the Skyestoo’s home series (as you call it, The 2015 Era)
    But then again, you do what you enjoy the most! Don’t tire yourself much, we love you and will wait for your uploads patiently skyes x
    ☁️‘s, let him know down below which series you all like watching the most too!

  4. I love your Minecraft content, it got me back into the game: but you’ve spent the last two episodes talking about how unhappy you are with it! We’re all here because we enjoy your videos and I’m certain we’ll all support your journey, whether this world continues or not. Cant wait to see what you choose to do, I know I’ll be here to watch! As long as your happy, your content will reflect that ❤

  5. ima be honest. ill watch any vid you post with 0 problems no matter how many times its soo entertaning and it gives me insparation to build in my world. love the vids keep it up!

  6. i know you might not see this comment for a while but if you want hardcore to be more risky and actually hardcore you could always do tiny things like using diamond armor instead of netherite or not using totems or just anything like that, something that dosen't really change the gameplay but could make it more dangerous

  7. I kinda like the random vids (not minecraft) now and then ngl. I think that it would be better to post some other games too. Btw love you skwes and love the decision with this world.

  8. Really like your content. And it is even better if you are enjoying, can't wait to see the next serie.
    I was wondering why staying on vanilla? I remember the last betterMC series, modpacks like that can offer you much more blocks and colours to create an incredible not skies world, or offer you ways to have unlimited ressources like with the ATM ones. (who cares about elytra when you have a jetpack XD)

  9. Did you try the Passive Enderman Mod? You have to manually decide what Endermen are able to do, like griefing, teleporting, getting angry. I have the mod, because in my Survival world Endermen were griefing like ants digging literal holes in my base (I am in a pretty dramatic windswept biome). The spawn rate of them was out of control too. After installing the mod and setting the options for them, all of it stopped. They don't grief and they don't get angry. We're friends now.

  10. I mean of you want to end things in the world go ahead. I watch your videos mostly for your personality. It would be better if you did something you really cared for than such a mediocre bleh thing. Youre funny in this hardcore world, youre funny on yourbsecond channel- whatever world you work in- pretty likely that most people will still watch.

  11. Yes, I want love both the On A Raft series and One Block Skyblock. Vault Hunters is a fun series too!
    Yeah, hardcore doesn't make sense for a world where you just build.
    Definitely need to use another block than white concrete. Otherwise all the buildings are going to be too similar. We need some variety! But I do like the design and I want to see the pyramid for the animals! Makes me really excited for the future series!
    I understand and I agree! Making a new world is so much easier than fixing an old world and you can customise it however you want!


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