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Better late than never, I finally built a steam train! I also discovered a slight issue with our train station, show off the log flume in all it’s cinematic glory and start building a train track to the new industrial island! What’s Minecraft Create Mod for if not making trains!!?
If you want to play along, the modpack is available
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Series Playlist:
A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw
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#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode20 #letsplay #survival
If you watched jurassic park, the entering train (which I think is electric) looks real nice
On the plus side, with the station being renovated so much larger, now there's room for a lavatory and a little coffee+sandwich shop for the passengers.
You should call the Train "The Beardlands Express"
What a neat bit of Create engineering by moving that mountain with a piston! Such a cool mod and series!
Just as a heads up, Beardstone, but I think it'd make sense for the railroad to have a repair shop either in the park itself or on the way to the industrial island. (Which would allow the perfect opportunity to play around with more Create stuff, to boot.) Details like these go a long way into making a piece of infrastructure like a railroad feel real, which also enhances atmosphere.
21:00 Zombie wanted a train ride!
About the third train bogey… wasn't there something in Create's config menu where you can adjust that?
Good news, the train itself doesn't need to fit entirely within the platform, you can always just prioritize the passenger cars themselves, which is a shame cause you did end up moving the slope anyways lol
I have a suggestion to logo/that big circle on the ground at the entrance – since its all steam punk stuff, maybe you could add come bits to this circle to make it look like a gear? That could fit nicely!
And I kinda wonder – maybe the driver of the log should be in the back? He kinda covers up most of the view
Days without Injury: 0
maybe have the theme park mascot be a gear/cog. heck you could even look into all the diffrent gears there are and make one off of them.
ps i did my fave so far is the rack and pinion gear you could have two mascots one long one with the gear teeth on one side and one circler normal gear.
litrally just call one rack and the other one pinion lol
For your wooden attraction : the boats could go down one more block when they arrive in the water after a big slope and come back up further. It might make a nice effect. And add a few looking up fans for a splash effect.
Great videos 🙂
those grips would look good on the ladder
Hey Mr. Beardstone,
I believe adding passengers to the log flume and having people on the paths would greatly enhance the park's atmosphere. It's essential to implement a bus or tram for elderly visitors and those with disabilities, as the current train station isn't wheelchair accessible. Creating overall and specific maps for the park would improve navigation and would add decoration. Additionally, installing trash bins, ATMs, and bathrooms would enhance the realism of your park. You should also consider barracks for staff in the future. Lastly, a horror section in the Nether, featuring lava, blaze, wither skeleton, hoglin, and gold farms, could attract a diverse crowd and provide a thrilling experience!
do the bogey sizes depend on the with of the track?
Top notch montage music in this one!
There needs to be a way to walk around the park to do make the bridge big enough for that and you need a way of entering the park
I think it looks like Emily or Percy from Thomas the tank engine
Here’s a suggestion, add villagers from different biomes with different professions sitting on the train seats as passengers. 👨🏻🍳🧑🏻🌾👩🏻🔧🚂
You need to make a train construction building
Hey Mr. beardstone, I was just wondering if you were going to place the bridge at a much higher height, as since this is supposed to be an ammusement park on an island in the modern age, I would figure that there would have to be massive ships that would need to cross under that bridge.
You should name the train The Flying Beardsman
They are called knuckle couplers
Lisneydand name suggestion 😅
I like how at 25:35, you were perched up on the monorail pole
I think you could name your train "The Emerald Express".
Minecraft can only play so many sounds at one time. I've experienced Create Machine sounds cutting out, especially around areas with lots of animals or other sounds. I remember some wiki saying it was 26 at a time.
Mr. B, I have suggestions for train names:
Steamtrain Willie (Steamboat Willie), Beardstone Express, Emerald Engine, The Whistleblower, Ruby Railing, or [your park name] Express.
Call the train the Sir Gresly Nigel😂 or however you spell it
24:50 speed it up to 2x and the music sounds like a mario party time-lapse 😂
Train Name: Zombie Creeper
It would be cool to see the train run on tracks that float like the sea train in “One Piece”
I recently discovered that copycat panels are transparent. I assume this is true with some other copycats+ blocks too. You can use this for lighting (for streets etc.) so you can build lampposts for aesthetic function, further apart or just using less bright light sources (like soul lanterns)
Hey, loved the vid, and the idea with the carrige windows brilliant, but did you know that with steam and rails there are different drive wheel (create styled as they are named) styles you can have from a double to a quintriple.
I would reccomend installing the "this rocks!" mod, it adds small pebbles, sticks, etc. it doesnt take away from the vanilla style at all.
i dont have any recipe to get zinc to automate it anyone knows how did he get the recipe
if you really want a double or triple steamaxle on youre train, there is a variant of it for the normal rails. scroll to the double/triple axle tab and the bottom option is a double/triple option of the with the steamtrain looking parts on the side
the train at 13:50 kind of reminds me of the flying scotsman
How did you maker the compycat buffers. In my modpack they don't work.
300th comment
I think you could use "Create: Pattern Schematics" to build the bridge. You just need to build one segment, and the contraption will replicate it along the entire length of the bridge. It’ll make your work easier, and luckily, the bridge doesn’t have any curves, so it should be a straightforward task.
You should name the new train "Emerald Jubilee" Because i think the green kind of looks like emerald
Please add the capitals mod to your series, It makes villages so much cooler
a name for the train could be "The Steam Express" (like a refrence to the polar express…) but keep up the good work
I’ve finally caught up on this series and have begun my first create world ever 😀 really lovin this series and lookin forward to future videos