processing my trauma by building stairs in minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

therapy but make it minecraft.



44 thoughts on “processing my trauma by building stairs in minecraft”

  1. This is a very beautiful and personal little thing you put together and I find it kinda sad that while looking at this I'd also intermittently think about a high energy Gamer YouTuber going "WHAT'S UP GUYS Today I'm speedrunning the Minecraft Trauma Stairs!"

  2. When your video pops out, my mind was like "wait, I recognize your voice and the speaking mannerisms, but which video was a discovery for me-![Non Non Biyori and Death] -Oooooh!"

  3. It's been getting harder and harder to keep the bad thoughts out. Your videos have inspired me in the past, and I always love to see what you make. This video felt like it was peering into me, speaking to me. I was already crying by 7 minutes in and by the end I was a sobbing mess. Thank you, Cayla. I feel like… like I'm not alone in my pain.

  4. I relate hard to this. I experience lifelong severe mobility issues and chronic pain/fatigue, among other issues and on top of that I've had some real traumatic bereavements through the last few years. I'm a stranger but take it to heart that I see you. Solidarity. It hurts but for what it's worth I'm proud of you.

  5. Thanks for sharing this, it felt like I was being guided through a very personal space. I hope things are looking up for you. It might not mean much but there's a stranger in the UK cheering you on. ♥


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