pangea used to be in minecraft

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35 thoughts on “pangea used to be in minecraft”

  1. Wouldn't miles of open ocean make travelling hundreds of blocks away from spawn easier? Especially in 1.6, where the oceans were rather dead and relatively safe.

    This means that with dedicated enough players, the pre-1.7 world gen didn't really accomplish its goal of keeping people together. If anything, being forced to venture out further before you'd be able to find a viable "continent" just pushed people further apart than they would be with the newer world gen.

  2. It was good only if you spawned on land. If you spawned in the open ocean you were screwed, you’d starve before you find land. And multiplayer servers were the same you’d have everyone on one continent or have a huge nether tunnel network

  3. Btw if you didn’t accomplish this last time. You can go on Minecraft education on bedrock edition while editing the world you go to settings game and scroll till it says Minecraft education lol

  4. I quite like that idea, I remember one of my favourite worlds was this one that was kinda like an arcipelago of islands, it was just when the ocean update happened so there were so many cool structures in the water. Despite my small spawn island having no trees and having to swim to another island to actually get started, it was still my favourite world. I died to drowned so often but once I got my hands on one of their tridents, it was over for them

  5. I really miss pre-1.7 worldgen, and I never could find a mod to replicate these continents.
    I like the idea of being able to map out my whole ""world"" so much more than this endless blob of land with sporadic seas and that's never changed…


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