Okay, Minecraft 1.18 Blending is Weird

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Minecraft 1.18 snapshot 21w43a implemented a brand new blending system that will help old terrain transition into new terrain. The blending is definitely a work in progress.

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if you read this comment β€œgreen top”


38 thoughts on “Okay, Minecraft 1.18 Blending is Weird”

  1. They really do need to fade colors more over a larger distance for things like grass, leaves, and water. Not even for blending new generation but for biome transitions in general. And I still want seasons with modifications to weather and leaves.

  2. I think it has to do how block types were handled back in the day, leaf blocks and lilypads were swapped with dirt because the algorithm didn't realise they were not

  3. This kind of thing has happened before. If you generate an old seed from alpha and then update the game and reload the world, you’ll see that an old plains biome is now considered a warm ocean biome.

  4. Well, the issue I am going to have will be going from my world which is 1.14.4 to 1.18. πŸ™ But I did stop the rail way at an ocean so hopefully when I start up on it again there will not be all that big of issue.

  5. I remember when village and pillage came out, I called the blended areas of land the β€œLandfall Zones”
    Mainly because it looks like the land just fell and slumped over, it wasn’t just on the surface either, the caves, ravines, trees, oceans and rivers, even villages and dungeons were affected.
    Now this new blending I called the β€œShattered Zones” it’s obvious to see why I would call it that, it’s strange to see the Minecraft world generation do this…
    My guess is, anything that stuck off the land β€œunnaturally”, was replace with the current biome’s surface block, whether it was sand, grass, etc. the villages and foliage mainly got the β€œgreen-tops” because the game registered it as β€œun-smooth” land, and decided to replace it. The terrain height was also altered slight higher than the original terrain height as well, which is why when you see the blocky chunk errors, it sits above the old terrain a good couple 6-10 blocks. I believe Ant-Venom May be looking into this as we speak, because this is quite an interesting thing for all of us to see.

  6. I'm pretty sure the blocks floating on the water were lily pads, was that not obvious? Also the grass with a bunch of blocks raised up was probably from tall grass.


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