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I made a short to teach the Minecraft Community a Bedrock Breaking Glitch for the most recent 1.17 snapshot to show to many through the Youtube Stories / Shorts section of mobile.
#Shorts #GGavinG #Bedrock
1. You spelled Pheonix Sc wrong
2. It dont work anymore
The first one to found out is Phoenix SC
Loki craft hacks
but im in 1.16
Bedrock or Java?
How is this even possible 😐
Isn’t it funny that tnt can’t break bedrock but a fucking plant can
No need to do piston tnt explode thing anymore
Novo GT destruir bedwars no Minecraft
Who is pheonic SC? Fix ur spelling bro lol its pheonix
That will most probably be fixed by the time the update rolls out
Que merda no emulador grudano
Lixo e o mito da Los
Who thought to put clay in the nether and grow dripleaf
Там игрок с верху блок сломал
You know that trick from pheonix
Oh, it's actually useful
It does not workbi tried
O nome da música
Imagine being the strongest block in the game and being able to be destroyed by a plant
Fake! Dont believe him
Mmm yes my favorite YouTuber… Pheonic SC
It’s not like it’s gonna do anything anyway. How are you gonna be able to get under bedrock without creative?
It’s been patched
Eu já fui para esse lugar uma vez eu não consegui voltar
Esse negócio pode quebrar bedwars
Thats more easy than the old methods
Originality does not exist as there are no clear boundaries when a derrivative work becomes original. There is no originality, no plagiarism, and no author's rights.
Эмм спиздио у пятëрки?
Hail the drip
Drip leaf isn't strong enough to support a player for 3 seconds but can destroy something unbreakable
Moss: Pathetic
Dang there prob gonna patch that one
No wonder it's called drip 😳 mogus sus