Newbie finds Love in Minecraft: Part 2

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

last time in Minecraft, Newbie found his self in a new world, full of terroir. in this episode, Newbie experiences love,

and lose.
this Episode is a bit shorter but I think you might like it. 😀
also still working on a new animation, so stay tune.


32 thoughts on “Newbie finds Love in Minecraft: Part 2”

  1. Dude I love this, I just wanna say that I love this series!
    Again I love the laid back and relaxing speed of your game play. And please, keep on doing what you love!


    -The same viewer

  2. Here are some tips that will help in future episodes:

    1. Foxes are afraid of you. They can't be tamed like a dog but if you breed two using berries the baby isn't afraid of you. This doesn't mean it will follow you so you will need a lead to keep it until you build a pen. (Ps foxes don't run away if you stay crouched so you can use that to build a pen around them)

    2. All mobs despawn if they can move 20 blocks in any direction so you most likely need to trap the next wolf you see until you can tame it. You will have to trap the baby fox aswell until you get a name tag.

    3. DOGS AND FOXES ARE NOT FRIENDS!!! The dog will chase and kill any fox that gets close enough.

    4. You can heal the zombie villagers and get very cheap trades because of that. It is a lot of work to trap and heal them but it is worth it if you can get mending for 1 emerald.

    5. Have fun!

    I don't know how much of this you knew already but it's been very entertaining to watch this so far and keep up the good work!

  3. If you want to tame a wolf, you got to feed it bones! And there is a way to turn a zombie villager back into a villager, you splash it with a potion of weakness and use a golden apple on them. I love watching the minecraft play through and I hope you find a wolfy friend!


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