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Inspired By Dashie & CoryxKenshin! 🎮
• even though they’re two guys , they have showed me how important & fun it is , to build a strong connection with the ones who have got you here ,, YOU 💗

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✩ Main Goal : 100k taytagatas
• i can’t do this without you ,, we got this 🤸🏾‍♀️

Hashtags For Higher Ranking 🏷️
#minecraftsurvival #gamergirl #gameplay #viral #trendy #minecraft

hiiiii taytagatas 💕 your favorite girl gamer here! if I made you smile .. even a tad bit ,. go ahead & give this video a thumbs up & don’t be shy ,, leave a comment … I’m shy too lmaoooo .. both of us can’t be shy now!

💬 Share some game recommendations you’d like to see in the comments! I respond to ALL of my supporters .. idc if its alot lmaoooo me love you ALL 💋


34 thoughts on “OUR ENCHANTMENT ROOM IS DONE + SEARCHING FOR AXOLOTL || Minecraft Survival Pt.11”

  1. girl i love it when i come back from school and see that you posted a new video❤ i love your videos so much and they always make me laugh and be happy!
    i wish everyone watching this a good day or night!

  2. Hey girl love your content 🩷 If you're gonna make another gameplay with the gatas you can play Roblox Deathrun idk if you remember that game from back in the day 😭 but it was very popular, not so much now but we could play with the gatas on a private server it would be fun 💗🙈

  3. Another comment for the Axolotl hunting, they are very hard to find! Finding Axolotls do require lush caves, but they also require having clay at least 5 blocks below them in the water, must be in complete darkness, and are more likely to spawn below sea level (~63), but no lower than 0 (so don’t let your Y value get in the negatives).

    I believe in bedrock it’s a super low ~10% chance of them spawning. You can make farms, but they must be in the lush areas. Good luck!

  4. I look forward to ur Minecraft videos so much! They make my day when they come out and they always make me laugh 🤩 I felt so bad for u in the nether tryna get those blaze rods but damn it was kinda funny ngl

  5. ‏‪51:28‬‏ Here you should return here at the same coordinates as the place. Because you literally left behind a treasure that is the purple crystals. You can use it for many things 😂😂 Please come back
    Literally it was at the bottom of your feet


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