STEVE VIDEO'S HISTORY REVEAL : It is not real he has put a glass there and made a hole with bedrock at back, and also put a diamond block in it which looks as a block , if you stop the video at 10 second you will see the bedrock.
Notice: getimagesize(): Error reading from /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/uploads/sites/26/2024/08/Truman-Show-In-Minecraft-PT-21.jpg! in /home/ubuntu/tipsi/public/wp-content/plugins/recent-posts-widget-extended/classes/class-image-resizer.php on line 111
It is not real
Ik how he did this lol 0:10
Well you should really check how to not let the cat out of the box .the bedrocks were seen.
0:09 I glimpsed how I made it 😁
Im really likin these optical illusion vids.
description: wooow
This ore is called Gladiarock
Glass + Diamond + Bedrock = Gladiarock
I 500 coment
i'm too old to understand those videos
Wahh Kya cin hai this is really like new ore
How to do it
I know how to craft this!
Steveeee a new ainsten?
STEVE VIDEO'S HISTORY REVEAL : It is not real he has put a glass there and made a hole with bedrock at back, and also put a diamond block in it which looks as a block , if you stop the video at 10 second you will see the bedrock.
"they had us the first half ngl"
Steve wow
This is not a new ore
ليه تسوي كده
no golden pickaxe in the thumbnail clickbait
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
Ngl he had us in the first half
Fun fact:he has a microphone in his profile and skin if he is not speaking why would it be needed! Lol
The bedrock inside glass inside ore
Edit: no it’s the ore inside bedrock inside glass
He made that ore I can make it to it is easy as hell
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
what moods do you use
That was not a block if it was a block so breakthe block in the video
Did I have to laugh?
Glass, Diamond ore
1.17 update new ore xd
Fun fact: the skeleton is not broken