An Actual House!| Let's Play Minecraft 1.21 | Episode 7

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Welcome back to my channel everyone! We are building a real house today, and not just a hole in a mountain. Hope you enjoy the episode!

Thanks for watching!
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Shaders : Complimentary Unbound
Resource Packs: Better Leaves
Mods: Sound Physics

Seed : 2391155778190502846
Coordinates of my base : 1275 / 63 / 379

Craftworks Fan Discord :

Music From : Epidemic Sound


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[email protected]


24 thoughts on “An Actual House!| Let's Play Minecraft 1.21 | Episode 7”

  1. i loved how the endermans were just chilling with her while she did all of her stuff lol
    I'm in love with the design of this house, with big windows ahh, who wouldn't want a house like? 😀

  2. The enderman just wants to be roomates and his friend is waiting for him in the beginning. I cant 😭😭 Loved it. The house looks so good with the big windooows

  3. I love the house! It's super cool. Maybe you can make a chimney out of the rectangular buildiing. A cute little garden with an axalotol pond would be awesome on the cliff as well if it can fit. Also when you get silk touch maybe you can take down the glass and make stained white glass instead. It might look a bit better.

  4. Wow! The glass house design is beautiful. It’s amazing how you went from a little snug hidy hole dug into the side of the cliff to this. Also love the Endermen just hanging around as you work. 😂


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