New House Addition! – Let's Play Minecraft 452

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Today we tear down a really old section of the house to build a massive new addition!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

Music I use –

Vlog Channel –

Dallas’s Social Media:
Instagram –
Twitter –

Latest World Download:
Ep.450 – It’s being worked on, I’ll release it soon. The world being so big has caused some issues.

Download my skins here! –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –

(Next world tour and download will be on Ep.500)

World Seed: 1404998407 (Doesn’t yield same world anymore)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 26
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Y700 They do not make this model anymore, but you can check out the newer models here –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



43 thoughts on “New House Addition! – Let's Play Minecraft 452”

  1. Dallas! It looks like you've caught some second wind this season. It's really very nice to see you inspired again! Before the world tour episode, I have to say sounded a little resigned, like you were on the verge of giving up on this world. But in these last two episodes it looks like you're genuinely having fun, which in turn makes it fun to watch.

    I just want to say that no matter what you decide to do with this channel next – continue in this world, start a new one, start a spin off series, what have you – it's important that you like what you do.

    Keep making episodes like these and I'm sure the fan base will flock back in!

  2. Hey dallas I wanted to say thank you very much for including one of my comments in this episode. You should've seen my reaction when I first seen it I kinda jumped up out of bed and that got me hyped and that also just made my day and I thank you for that my dude.

  3. the house looking out of this world!!! only if it was made of steampunky colors like blue, white, and purple!!!! but still fantastic Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love to you from INDIA!

  4. Dallas u can make 2 storage rooms
    1 in a 6 block wide room placing chests for bulk storage like cobble (place them 2-wide chests)
    1 in new building for majority of items

  5. Your videos have a very unique style, a very calm one, I like that. Honestly, you may not a agree with this but I think it would be great if you joined Hermitcraft. In my opinion, you would be a great addon, with your unique video style. You could also use that to have a little break from your world, that can help you regain inspiration and some times do an episode of your main world! But this is just my opinion, and in the end, you are one of the best Minecraft youtubers I have ever seen!

  6. the block floating in the air with wines on it at the log stack that you said "whats that", is an creative mode block glitch you can mine it and put in in the museum btw love the world

  7. I am not gonna lie i would love to see a bunch off updates to the house and you clean off some of the over growth seems fun to see how your building progresses over time

  8. Hey Dallas love the vids, you should put a long full hallway of books shelves and decoration in that long corridor that you were going to make your storage area and leave it open so you can fly through it 👍🏻


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