Building In Minecraft With No Plan

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Flow Group:

0:00 – Intro
1:06 – Getting Started
5:26 – Continuing The Path
7:48 – Brief Talk
12:33 – Back To The Village
19:01 – Camp Site
24:08 – Farms
26:13 – Quarry
29:30 – Hot Air Balloon
36:25 – Outro



25 thoughts on “Building In Minecraft With No Plan”

  1. So glad i came across your channel not that long ago, never ever will i watch anyone else play Minecraft but you. May I ask, what’s your favorite thing to build, could be a type of house, a certain room in a building, a certain building, maybe a certain portal, you get the pointπŸ˜‡ Much love bro

  2. Hey, first time viewer here and I have something to say. Bro I’ve always liked (and watched way to many) Minecraft videos but so many get boring or annoying and this is the best build video I’ve ever watched, it’s a combo of your voice, your cadence, the way you slightly laugh at yourself. It feels so natural and comforting. I wish for your channel to get so much more recognition, your vids are impressively high for these kinds of Minecraft videos already but i know in time you will be up there, this hits a chord that hasn’t been hit in a long time. Keep it up dog, wish you the best.

  3. I love how he listens to his comments and realize his fan base likes the relaxed vibes with just talking about his whole process and giving a lore. He rlly needs to keep doing these building with no plans alot

  4. Bro what mod do you use for those amazing biome spawns, every time i create a new world my spawns are doodoo and i fly around to find somewhere nice the build but i find nothing, also i use your better adventures+ curseforge pack too

  5. nice build ! real cool moment like always i'd just add to the whole mindset thing that there is ways to success other than having a job or playing the capitalism game of over growth, we shouldn't value ourselves through material possessions nor our carrer if it is not what is best for ourselves, there is other possibilities to explore !

  6. hey flow! i just discover your channel today and i really love your build, it gives me a lot of inspiration and motivation to build more in the game! please keep up the good work! im sure you'll be big someday in this community.

    also, i would like to know the mods you were using in this series, and where to get it. and the shaders too!


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