My Thoughts On A Minecraft Movie Teaser #shorts #meme

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21 thoughts on “My Thoughts On A Minecraft Movie Teaser #shorts #meme”

  1. I believe the Minecraft movie has potential but only if they redesign it like crazy, maybe not fully animated as they have presumably already filmed quite a bit of it, but they desperately need to tone down the realistic-ness of the mobs

  2. As much as this movie ain’t it, you can’t really look at the Mario and Borderlands movies and say “do this, don’t do this”. Because with how long movies take to make, all three of these movies were probably all being worked on around the same time.
    I see it more as three different idea being thrown at the wall:
    Mario – Full Animation
    BL – Mainly Live Action with some CGI
    MC – Live Action/CGI hybrid
    Though if it was up to me, I’d have had ALL THREE of them bitches animated!


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