I believe the Minecraft movie has potential but only if they redesign it like crazy, maybe not fully animated as they have presumably already filmed quite a bit of it, but they desperately need to tone down the realistic-ness of the mobs
Forget putting the movie back in the Oven, they need to redo the whole thing from Scratch. At least with the Sonic Movie, Only Sonic himself needed to be redesigned and that was an easy fix. Here? HELL NAH!
I think bullying them won't be enough to fix this abomination cuz unlike sonic movie where the only problem was sonic, this one is the entirety of the movie.
As much as this movie ain’t it, you can’t really look at the Mario and Borderlands movies and say “do this, don’t do this”. Because with how long movies take to make, all three of these movies were probably all being worked on around the same time. I see it more as three different idea being thrown at the wall: Mario – Full Animation BL – Mainly Live Action with some CGI MC – Live Action/CGI hybrid Though if it was up to me, I’d have had ALL THREE of them bitches animated!
My expectation for this movie now: -99999999999999
We wanted animation not live action
Hey, who made the Minecraft movie?
Honestly sometimes it’s refreshing to get mediocrity from movies and games after complete disappointment back to back
God damn it Hollywood 😔
I believe the Minecraft movie has potential but only if they redesign it like crazy, maybe not fully animated as they have presumably already filmed quite a bit of it, but they desperately need to tone down the realistic-ness of the mobs
The nigahiga trailer was better than this
Forget putting the movie back in the Oven, they need to redo the whole thing from Scratch. At least with the Sonic Movie, Only Sonic himself needed to be redesigned and that was an easy fix. Here? HELL NAH!
Oh brother this shit stinks!
Godamnit u mean we already have Minecraft story mode I never knew that would stoop so low lmao 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️
I really hope that it gets the sonic the hedgehog movie treatment
I think bullying them won't be enough to fix this abomination cuz unlike sonic movie where the only problem was sonic, this one is the entirety of the movie.
Hopefully they can pull a sonic, though there isn’t really anything they can change without making an entirely new movie
As much as this movie ain’t it, you can’t really look at the Mario and Borderlands movies and say “do this, don’t do this”. Because with how long movies take to make, all three of these movies were probably all being worked on around the same time.
I see it more as three different idea being thrown at the wall:
Mario – Full Animation
BL – Mainly Live Action with some CGI
MC – Live Action/CGI hybrid
Though if it was up to me, I’d have had ALL THREE of them bitches animated!
If you want a Minecraft movie just get Minecraft story mode because my god the story is amazing
Sonic in a human world is okay
Humans in an animated world will be a challenge
Detective pickachu did it just right
I think the movie will be alright, but it’d be a billion times better if it was in the Minecraft trailer styles.
Like I've seen other people say in other comment sections if sega fans can bully paramount into changing the sonic movie WE CAN TOO
The teaser looks like a bad lsd trip 😂
i am steve
It's like the first trailer for the first sonic movie quality