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I made Minecraft SATISFYING
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Thank you so much for watching my video, and have a nice day 😀
Do u want more tnt exploding without lags? here https://youtu.be/Zwnudt48Yq0
I am one of ur biggest fans ive been watching you since you had 120 subs
pls do more of this
So you made items drop realistically huh?
I can't put my finger to which client that did it first
Right, the Minecraft Launcher
You are better fundy
Why can't Mojang optimize the game like this? I mean Minecraft is really poorly optimized.
Try removing a as much code of the game until it's unplayable
i want the satisfying stuff, all of it
doood Make a Fabric mod out of it! Its a Huge Improvement Performance
Nice video!
Make tnt explode instantly
i want that no lag tnt code, pls make a data pack
Bro casually solved the problems from minecraft
I want that lagless tnt datapack modpack whatever else!! Eveen if i blow 4 tnts my computer is going to heaven and coming back!!
i want that mod to not make tnt laggy
Finally I could die in peace
I'm not satisfied, i'm not bored, i'm shocked. What the f u c k ??? This guy literally made something Mojang wouldn't do in like 10 years, i'm literally shocked, still can't believe about that liquid redstone, the slower piston and the no tnt lag… that's insane bro, please make this a mod, we really need it!!!
can you make an real link please i deal with this issue all the time
@Minecraft PLS HIRE THIS GUY 2:46
the mojang needs to hire this guy
Can you make everything a data pack i want it
“Relastic” 2:22
2:24 helikopter
4:21 nasa pc be like
How do you make all of this?! It is so cool!!
I think minecraft become CURSED
cool video may you put a texture pack for lag les TNT in the video description?
can i get a mod please
This video really does show that there is some interesting tech already in the game, but Mojang doesn't wanna use it
Just watching this is making my phone lag
5:20 forbidden jaw breaker
Nah bro just stole a NASA PC
gimmee da mod
You can make the most satisfying door
mojang hire this dude
Dad: Why is the FBI here?!! *This videos lag when lighting the tnt*(and the rest of this video):😎
plz make mod TNT lag Free
I wich Minecraft made an update that made the code that changed, so the TNT can't lag no matter what amount but sure if you maybe make it able to give the code to minecraft then they add it, and then it will install or modify so no lag no matter what TNT (amount)
well looks like the villager-spider is gonna be the new boss :skull:
Te tnt no lag u should make a mod
give me this mod please
go to ENGGALIS clash iteite and its TNT BLOCKS not tnts!!!😆😂🤣🤬😡😤🤬