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I escaped a bakery once. It was a piece of cake.
Facility 42 Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/facility-42/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParrotXP
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Guys 😭😭😭the smartest player thing is just a joke
Is parrots footage just super laggy for me wifies is fine
sooooo funny
when i did with my friend and we messed it up so much bc we mined so many obi and escaped from
Guys they did this legit
rekrap left the chat
Why at 24:18 there is a cut and one extra level gained
Add Rekrap and boosfer
could u just use the trapped chess?
Right at the beginning you can see that Parrot gained a heart and filled his hunger bar, I don't know, but I don't see a way of reaching that unless using cheats
we needed rekrap:(
I love escape rooms so much! This was a blast to watch, especially since I'm sick today. 😀 'Don't have many things to do today.
when are you gonna do a face reveal ?
Kanadian where you at
the lagginess on the screenshare parst are wild
sneak6y cu5t a5t 24:18
nice cut at 24:17
powder snow is my favourite clutch item cuz you can use it in the nether and with leather boots its so useful to just tower away leaving no trail
that cut was so obvious