Minecraft’s New Scariest Horror Mod – The Anomaly

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33 thoughts on “Minecraft’s New Scariest Horror Mod – The Anomaly”

  1. The skulk spreading is another mod I can't remember the name but it turns the Skulk into almost parasite like biome that after hitting a certain condition makes it spread. Also the mod that adds structures will change it to night. The Anomaly mod is unrelated to both of these.

  2. The anomaly has a higher chance of attacking you if you frequently return to your “home.”

    If you want the reason, in the lore for the anomaly apparently it would follow its victims back to their homes and torture them before their untimely demise. As for why it attacked you outside of your home, the more times you sleep the more aggressive it becomes I think.

  3. Morty! I’m in MineCraft Morty! I don’t know how the fuck I got here but I got here Morty! Uh-uh-uhhhh you see that fuckin abomination over there Morty? We call it the Anomaly Morty. Look at it. I’ve never seen anything uglier than that besides your father Morty!

  4. In my own opinion, I think that the best way to go into this mod is not to, you have a friend make different worlds every other day. and one day, they add this. It adds to immersion, because this isn't just anything, it's an anomaly, it's not meant to be there it's the only wrong thing in your world. So in my own opinion, have somebody entirely blind go into this, not know whats going on, and once they realize somethings legitimately wrong, it's full on.


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