i dont want to come off mean or anything, but every single vid i see of IBX is him complaining about minecraft, copper is so common i don't think its that big of a deal tbh
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They should replace stone with copper ore.
I want copper to work with redstone because… Well… Copper is conductive.. isnt it?
I mean like, if I mine it all the time, I would get STACKS of it soon it's not so bad.
Even copper is super common, This is still a scam
Yall haven't been jonesing to make stuff out off all this extra copper we got laying around?
I mean you find copper literally everywhere. You can easily get stacks upon stacks of the stuff with even just a fortune 1 pick.
IDK if this recipe was ever in Bedrock, but until 1.12, you could craft a block of white wool with a piece of bone meal and a block of white wool
Mirrors edge background music goes hard
i dont want to come off mean or anything, but every single vid i see of IBX is him complaining about minecraft, copper is so common i don't think its that big of a deal tbh
Copper is about as common as the stone variants BUT using blocks instead of ingots makes it a little egregious
Stop toycat i thought u knew better
That's not an issue in the slightest
A real craft that needs to be changed is the fact you get 3 doors out of 6 blocks
Who even need 3 doors? My houses have 2 max.
You can find copper absolutely everywhere, and it really doesn’t have any other use(other than a spyglass and lightning rod,(beat you too it)).
I mean copper is so common I have to much I even avoid it
Bro copper is easy to get so its quite cheap
copper ore drops more than 1 raw copper with a normal pickaxe, what is the point of this video? 🙄
I thinkbthey can do this recypi (I don't know how to write it) but they have to add a crafting version with the stone cutter
Copper is everywhere and I tend to have too much
It's ok
Copper farms exists
And it makes u actually make u mine copper around u cause it's sooo comon