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NOOB, PRO and HACKER mine diamonds in Minecraft!!!!!
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/itsraggu/
Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg
NOOB, PRO and HACKER mine diamonds in Minecraft!!!!!
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/itsraggu/
I am the hacker
What ever dude mining doesn't mean noob or pro or whatever
Hahaha nice noob can do anything for even 1 DIMOND
He broke the rule never did straight down
Mining is like: you can break my block but careful, I can break you anytime.
I do 165 step diamond
Imagine a glitch happened and your fortune 3 pickaxe changes into fortune 100000000
God ni aaya
Hacker makes bloks
Oh so i come in pro
I think creative mode is powerful than hacker 😂😂
Poor man
That's an enchanted pickaxe not a hack
Bro plz tell me how you upload shorts in thisuch quality…… When I upload its below 64p …… Plz reply me the solution.🙏🙏🙏😩
Ok hacker needs to mine diamond very logical
What enchantment he has taken in his diamond pickaxe
Why hacker is even there just do creative why use your hacking skills in this 😂
Which enchantment you us in pieces
Hackers are 😎😎
Hacker is cheater
Bro ap ne
Pikex pr konsi inchanted book.
Lgai he plz reply….krdo.
there is obsidian but no water how is it possible
We are legends
Good 💯💯🔥🔥✨✨
Pro lol it's what a average player will do you're a noob so you think it's hard to mine diamonds normally lol
I don't understand why pro always has diamond pick but nub has iron pick in every noob vs pro vs hacker vid
Ur a java player so I respect u but hacks means xray and not getting extra ores and a fortune pickaxe
This video was Perfect one!
In others they show noob breaking diamond with stone or wood pick!
But everyone knows that diamond doesn't drops when you use wood or stone picks!
I salute this guy
Noob was Perfect
Pro Was perfect
And hacker was also perfect! 👍
How can a noob have night vision 🧐🧐.
It's not a hacker it's a fortune 3 enchantment