Minecraft's Big NEW UPDATE SURPRISES Were Just Revealed…

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Minecrafts Big “Surprises”… today we take a look at them all

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📖 chapters
0:00 new update surprises
0:20 the beginning of surprises
1:00 story mode
2:30 minecraft monthly
3:08 new expansions
5:26 achievements
6:18 new drops
7:23 blue hints
7:40 community challenges
8:52 new event
10:46 two capes

Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.22 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrfrK_gGDvSKXEOJIpk6NYOo

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26 thoughts on “Minecraft's Big NEW UPDATE SURPRISES Were Just Revealed…”

  1. So when I got on like a minute ago a pop up appeared that said something about "What's that sound? It sounds like… But all that info's in your inbox!" And I looked and there was nothing

  2. Honestly this update isn’t that great for bedrock. I looked and looked in creative to try and find one around my base(in a cope of the world) and only found 2 pale forests. 1 was only 3 trees big and the other literally 1 tree. Of course no hearts…
    I’m not even going to waist my time trying to find more. They get a 1 star for this update.

    Mo-Jo is like Apple, they have great ideas but always fall short of its full potential. I would rather wait a year for something great than fast and floppy updates. And the reason is simple. Once you load an area that’s it. No new content to that area if new stuff comes out…


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