Minecraft's 3 Best Add-Ons As Rated By YOU!?

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0:00 – Intro
1:09 – Tinkers’ Construct
8:35 – World Builder
20:12 – Essentials
30:56 – Outro

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24 thoughts on “Minecraft's 3 Best Add-Ons As Rated By YOU!?”

  1. Love that the last one had chunk borders. It's the only reason I'm considering buying it. I already have a much better tree chopper add on but chunk borders is huge for us on console. Now if only they would do an add on similar to lightmatica. 😫 Or something for connected textures

  2. All three of these are add ons that I'm interested in so it's good to see a review. Marketplace ratings aren't much to go on, though a very low rated one often indicates that there are seriously broken elements in it. Reviews like this gives me an idea of what the add on does and how it works, so even if the reviewer doesn't like it, I still get an informed opinion about it.

    Toycat mentioned Ecko's reviews so I think it's helpful to watch both if you're interested in an add on to get two different perspectives. Ecko has reviews for all three of these, but I haven't gotten around to watching the Tinker review yet.

  3. The portable crafting table should just give you access to the 9×9 recipe interface as long as it's in your inventory. You shouldn't have to place it down at all. This should also be a late-game addition to vanilla since it would help massively with mining (turning ore to blocks without placing a table down every time).

  4. Hey I'm trying to find an old Minecraft YouTuber I used to watch. I can't remember if it is ibxtoycat, but it rings a bell. However I can't find the old world lets plays. His voice sounds familiar. It's not Stampy, but very similar!

  5. Hey would you mine doing a video on my tool I’ve created which merges Minecraft bedrock edition addon’s I will give it too you for free just for doing the video on it!

  6. Can you make a video with players request for add-on suggestions the community wants. I for one love bedrock edition but so desperately need a replay mod add-on for creating cinematic cutscene for my let’s play series. Would this be a video you can create since you have the ears and eyes of the people?


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