Minecraft | Pray for Ukraine

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Minecraft | Pray for Ukraine

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#Ukraine #Pray #Save #People


43 thoughts on “Minecraft | Pray for Ukraine”

  1. Hi, I'm Ukrainian and I'm so glad people are making those videos and support us from all over the world. Our defenders are brave and ready to face death for our freedom. From the beginning I always believed that we will win and set our flag on all our teritory. Our country will be free no matter what it takes 🇺🇦

  2. Ủa anh ơi sao mà không ra video mới ra anh Coi video cũ viết mà chán mà gà video mới đi ăn em cầu xin anh đó mỗi ngày em quay 4 tập đi Vì Anh cách một ngày anh sai 3 lần đi anh em cầu xin anh đó

  3. as a Ukrainian, I can say that this is really how it feels, it breaks my heart every time I see bad news, but I know that we, Ukrainians won't give up, no!
    Thank you for your support 💛💙🌾🌻
    Слава Україні!

  4. Gros soutien au Ukrainiens avec un grand U car il faut du courage pour subir tout ça. Il on une belle force mentale, je n’hésite pas a faire un don de (je ne ment pas ) 1180€

  5. Pray for Ukraine… and syria, palestine, kashmir, uyghur, burma, and every other country currently being mauled by the filthy hands of US and Israel.


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