Him: everyone, literally everyone gets diamond armour on the first day, enchants it on the second, upgrades it to netherite on the third and kills the dragon on the fourth! Literally everyone does that!
Me celebrating day 100 by finding my first diamond: you are all going down a path I can not follow!
Me in my survival worlds: So I'm going to build a house with rare materials which can only be gotten in lush caves and spruce forests plus the nether, once I do that I will actually do things. Like getting more pets and making a huge field of farmland.
Not me I make a big ass base I get a bunch of farms and I’m the potion guy. I actually have fun with Minecraft. I don’t speed run because I fucking hate dream.
join the discord to play on the server 🙂
Everyone is playing at their comfortable pace
and it worked!
you have the slow reward!
Hey don't look at me, I get full diamond the 14th day
Him: everyone, literally everyone gets diamond armour on the first day, enchants it on the second, upgrades it to netherite on the third and kills the dragon on the fourth! Literally everyone does that!
Me celebrating day 100 by finding my first diamond: you are all going down a path I can not follow!
Bro I'd be on day 100,000 and I'd only just be getting dimonds on a normal server what u mean
If this guy becomes president, he is gonna kill everyone because some people are doing crimes😅
Just remove the option to go to end or Nether, instead of this, this just looks like torture and a pain in the ass to deal with
Full diamond armour on the first day?!
Could never be me.
Me in my survival worlds: So I'm going to build a house with rare materials which can only be gotten in lush caves and spruce forests plus the nether, once I do that I will actually do things. Like getting more pets and making a huge field of farmland.
Me who plays Minecraft for about 9 years and still hasn't killed the ender dragon in survival:
You can be that fast ?
thats why i love rlcraft
I can't even get diamonds on the first day I probably get mauled by seven spiders
Bro I took me 128 days to beat mincrsft
What's netherite amd wtf is an eliaitra?
Bent: so in the end I just nuked everything.
Well that would do it yea, you could have also just used a sliper to kill the cocaroch
Me on my 2.498 day trying to find diamonds
You do realise it takes me like a whole ass irl week to build my starter base?
ok but hear me out
All you need was nausea
Me on year 3 still not found 2 diamodes
People grind too much💀
For me I kill the ender dragon after 1 year
Maybe you're just a loser man
Me at day 3567: still searching for iron
My friends make Minecraft server I just have fun and making home but they go kill dragon on 2 day and stop playing ;(
Me on day 527 trying to make a good house before i do anything useful
You cruel bastard… I love it!
You monster 🤣
Most streamers ether cheat or are trash
Dude you can’t even let them play
Not me I make a big ass base I get a bunch of farms and I’m the potion guy. I actually have fun with Minecraft. I don’t speed run because I fucking hate dream.
Dude I’m already slow in Minecraft
He says this yet I've never legitimately beat Minecraft lol, I just chill and build
Me who never finished the game and prefer to play around with mods without being able to play on a vanilla world without deleting it the next day 💀
regret watching this now