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✔️FORBIDDEN CURSED CREATURES in MCPE! Hopefully you guys enjoy this kind of video leave a rating down below 🙂
Go follow me on my social media!
✔️ Twitter: @FuzionDroid
I’m third
Hey man i have been watching your videos for about 2 or 3 years i am 8 now but could you please put me on that sub board or whatever its called its gonna be my birthday on march 19th so i would really appreciate it if you could put me on there
Fuzion pls add me on the subscriber wall on your next video with it I watched all ur vids
as ur all on
how do u save the pig if u already liked and subscribed?
8 yeers and I need to be on the subscriber wall
Hey Fuzion my son was just wondering when you will be up loading a new do not choose he loves those we loved this forbidden creature episode loved the rainbow creeper my son was hoping you went through the portal that was in the sky but he wants you to know keep it up😉
but how do u save it?
Tank yuo
I can't wait, he always makes everything more funny and enjoyable 😀 iA1
The cursed giant is an ender mite
keep up the good work fuzion love your videos
In the beginning of the video when you showed you were tiny I went like this actually like this bff haaa haa!.