Minecraft New World ASMR Day 10

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New world, new video every weekday this whole month.

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This video review is brought to you by iPrasanth.com


11 thoughts on “Minecraft New World ASMR Day 10”

  1. Just a small tip:
    Adult polar bears will attack you if you are close to their cubs, even if you don’t mean to…
    It seems like the cub got close to you and the adult saw you as an enemy.
    If there is no cub around the polar bears will not attack unless you attack them.

  2. awww man it really sucks how you had to kill the polar bear 🙁 hopefully next time we can be further away from the cub so it won't attack. hopefully next episode we can get to the island, sorry you had to do that prasanth, hurting animals is never fun in these games.

  3. the bears with babies will just keep going after you, even if you hide overnight, and even if you die. once got trapped in a village for days because i didn’t want to kill a momma polar bear and she attacked me every time i went outside hahaha


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