I FLEW on my SCHOOL'S Minecraft server…

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In this video, I returned to my SCHOOL’S MINECRAFT FACTIONS server to grow my faction BigerFella and attempt to take over the server. Good thing this isn’t another Dream SMP video because you all wanted an episode 2! We also found a way that we could FLY! Can my friends and I become the most powerful faction on this server? Find out in this episode.
➥Discord: https://discord.gg/eP9x84s
➥Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/linusstudios
➥Gallery ’06: https://www.gallery06.com
➥Kirbey: https://bit.ly/2GTKXr6
#BigerFella #SchoolMinecraftServer #LinusStudios


35 thoughts on “I FLEW on my SCHOOL'S Minecraft server…”

  1. Hi! Silverr here to explain the video. (please pin this linus)
    So last video, LinusStudios and Kirbey started a faction called "BigerFella", to conquer "BigFellas", another faction on their school's Minecraft Server. Now, in this video, wtrmln (ex-member of BigFellas) gets kicked out of BigFellas and decides to join LinusStudios and Kirbey's faction BigerFella. When LinusStudios and Kirbey got to spawn, they find a bedrock (invincible block in minecraft) jail, and they make fun of it. Moving on, they find another player on the server called "Larbs" and plan to take a horse from him. LinusStudios takes a horse with diamond armor and runs away, while Kirbey is stuck in the pen with 2 players with Netherite Armor. Netherite Armor is the STRONGEST armor in the game. Kirbey block glitches (placing a block and jumping on it before it disappears or something idfk LOL) out of Larbs' territory and runs away. They find GreenBolt_14, who is a member of Larbs' faction. GreenBolt then flies towards Kirbey, LinusStudios and wtrmln and they get into a battle. After a huge battle, they succeed to get the horse in their claimed land. They decide to stop recording, but something bad happened off-camera. Larbs' faction had stolen all of BigerFellas valuables. (oh no!)
    (edited version of the comment i made on kirbey's video because i dont wanna rewrite this)

  2. Orange orange green yay oh no no legs and legs lol oh yay good luck bye bye hi hi bye bye hi bye love you bye hi hi see hi bye bye hi hi see hi bye bye hi hi see hi bye bye hi hi see hi bye bye hi 👋 see hi bye bye hi 👋 bye hi 👋 hi bye hi see hi bye bye


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