Minecraft mobs are weirder than you THINK!

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46 thoughts on “Minecraft mobs are weirder than you THINK!”

  1. This guy has a fundamental misunderstanding of cattle. Bulls are the male variant with male parts and can grow horns if they are not cropped when young. Cows are the female variant with female parts and have an udder, they like all bovine can also grow horns. He also doesn't understand what the "comb" on a chicken is, all chickens have them both roosters and hens, roosters have larger combs. Also the part that he called a "comb" isnt even supposed to represent the comb its just a flap of skin most chickens have.

  2. One, you are referring to the 5he sex of an animal, and two, hermaphrodites (creatures with male and female reproductive organs and / or the ability to swap from male to female) exist all around the world.

    Just normally not in the creatures in minecraft😅


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