This guy has a fundamental misunderstanding of cattle. Bulls are the male variant with male parts and can grow horns if they are not cropped when young. Cows are the female variant with female parts and have an udder, they like all bovine can also grow horns. He also doesn't understand what the "comb" on a chicken is, all chickens have them both roosters and hens, roosters have larger combs. Also the part that he called a "comb" isnt even supposed to represent the comb its just a flap of skin most chickens have.
One, you are referring to the 5he sex of an animal, and two, hermaphrodites (creatures with male and female reproductive organs and / or the ability to swap from male to female) exist all around the world.
Cows have horns that's normal I don't get your point the only male thing about cows are that they can mate with one another
There is already a mode for this
Female villagers mod is amazing
This guy has a fundamental misunderstanding of cattle. Bulls are the male variant with male parts and can grow horns if they are not cropped when young. Cows are the female variant with female parts and have an udder, they like all bovine can also grow horns. He also doesn't understand what the "comb" on a chicken is, all chickens have them both roosters and hens, roosters have larger combs. Also the part that he called a "comb" isnt even supposed to represent the comb its just a flap of skin most chickens have.
They are both genders
“They exist in a state of being male and female simultaneously”
omg it’s me <—omnigender
They're all just intersex
Intersex is a thing
1: Breed 2 Cows
2: M I L K B O T H
Villages are futanari 💀
It's the nose.
I'm even more useless that a nitwit. I can't hold a job AND I can't breed 😂
Female cows can have horns! Depends on the breed
Woa woa woa,, slow down there bud-💀
"if it doesnt show its not moddelated" – all the 3d game designers in the world.
Theres nothing under the villagers pants 👍
Subatomic particles want to move in every direction at the same time, maybe it has smth to do with that
Ah, is this the legendary "Minecraft Sex Update"?
Behold The real gender neutralisim
Villagers boutta be a victim 💀
cows actually can have horns, that's not a bull-only thing
One, you are referring to the 5he sex of an animal, and two, hermaphrodites (creatures with male and female reproductive organs and / or the ability to swap from male to female) exist all around the world.
Just normally not in the creatures in minecraft😅
I mean, some female bovine species have horns
Are you male or female?
I'm going to proudly advertise I recommended this.
Cows can have horns but they are usually trimmed
Also isn't Greg's skin a Minecraft pig
V Sauce of minecraft
Aint no way Gerg is getting more unhinged
Now gay people will use minecraft as their symbol 😷😷
Holly cow they have horns!!!!!! Its been fifteen yeeeears!!!!
Minecraft with the futanimals
They are all intersexual
I guess all creatures in minecraft somehow has mutated into hermaphrodites, and just decided to live with it
They are literally all trans and thats okay
On second thought, let's not go down this rode.
Female cows can have horns
Enby mobs
Is nobody considering the possiblity of they're all enby queens?
Thats not a comb
(Gerg shorts) are weirder than you THINK!
Snelis🐌 left the chat