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Minecraft Preview is here with even more overworld updates as well as some nice fixes and even a mob update as well. Today we dive into the thick of the latest minecraft preview

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0:00 new preview alert
0:07 more debug info
0:18 pausing is back
1:00 size and missing features
2:09 missing previews too
2:38 biome overhauls
10:00 squid update
10:26 better composters

Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.22 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrfrK_gGDvSKXEOJIpk6NYOo

if you read this comment “blocks”



  1. I hate to sound ungrateful, but I dislike the fact they’re ignoring parity changes like the Java chest sounds, rain sounds, underwater ambient sounds, new red-stone torch models, the thing where ladders can be place on trap doors, there’s so many things bedrock needs but the devs are completely ignoring. It’s getting a little annoying but the new updates make up for it

  2. If you see this comment before Monday January 20th, go on minecraft and start asking why the marketplace screen has a clearly demonic decal, I thought this was supposed to be more of a family friendly game, but just as Fortnite, I guess Satan is trying to appeal to the younger generation.

  3. Bedrock world gen is NOT something I am fan of..their generation of world is kinda sucks at some point the spawn rate is kinda too high and it feels cheating at some point cause you,LL be seeing 7 blacksmith stronghold dungeon pillager tower like everything in a same radius..

  4. Now if only they'd undo whatever they did to villager pathfinding AI after the cherry grove update. Seems like since that update they just… Can't pathfind properly. Villagers will just go behind a house to get to their jobsite block (instead of through the accessible door) because their AI somehow determines that going around the entire house to an opaque block is quicker than going through the front entrance to their jobsite, and it's INFURIATING as a custom village builder. I know it's determining distance via "as the crow flies" measurements but good god I hate having to completely restructure even vanilla villages just so my cartographer can keep his job.

  5. i feel like Mojang should js go all out and add more clutter into the game like for different biomes, might as well add fireflies in too and call the update the "clutter and flutter" update

  6. My only concern is the amount of content being pushed might be too much, it's great what we're getting but with the lack of chunk pruning on console it makes long term worlds either obsolete or a logistical nightmare trying to get all this new content 😅

  7. Wattles. In your next video, you better tell me they're giving us more ocean stuff like plants, mobs and biomes, they're making the torch flower and eyeblossom actually brighten the world around it, an easier way to get froglights by adding a bug that's not so horrible like the butterfly, moth or something like that since they can't eat bees, wasps, hornets nor fireflies…, giving us volcanoes, and that they are making the desert, savanna and badlands look more beautiful. Like the desert(We have two types technically but uh), give them some more ruins that we have to uncover. I know we have ruins, but I never find them in the deserts even though there's definitely some irl… ALSO, some of those tumbleweeds. Whether they actually blow in the wind across the land or not is on them. I want them there to drop seeds and more mobs pls 🙂 It would be cool to see some lizards and buzzards in the desert and badlands and penguins in the frozen ocean.

    Now for The End. We better get more mobs and structures…


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