Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg
In today’s episode I made it so we can create new ores and items out of basically… anything.
Thanks for watching, don’t forget to click the link below to join my server 🙂
Join My Minecraft Server ► https://direct.me/l/Wf
Welcome to LoverFella, today we are playing Minecraft, But EVERY Item Is Custom! This is an EPIC Custom Minecraft Challenge that I have come up with and today we’re going to try and beat minecraft but with all these cool changes applied!
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Follow Me Everywhere ► https://direct.me/loverfella
This series is not the same as Testing Minecraft Viral Hacks or trying to see if clickbait hacks work.
Minecraft is a survival sandbox game and the biggest game in the world. I love it, but do you know why? It’s been around for a decade, has mods, SMP servers and minigames. There’s so many cool Minecraft Secrets, Tutorials, tips and tricks, life hacks, and traps, especially with the new Minecraft update and snapshots for 1.17. I’m very excited for 1.17, the caves and cliffs update will provide so many more funny moments and great videos!
My Gear (Affiliate Links) ► www.amazon.com/shop/loverfella
Download my custom Emojam audio GIFs: https://emojam.app.link/dl
Hey everyone! Starting today I'm going to work from a new schedule on BOTH channels to bring you better videos. This one took a lot of time to make, as do the rest we have lined up this week. I want to make better content, and to do that I'm changing my channel posting from daily to: Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday at 3:00PM EST. And my reacts channel will be similar, but at 12:00pm. I hope that this extra quality helps 😀
/effect give username night_vision 999999 99 true
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! -Top Ten Loverfella quotes
Loverfella: Oh this is so op!
Captain: SO OP
No cautus armour 😞😞
Am I the only one that saw that someone joined 5:51
Di any one notice that someone joined the sever in chat
life: exists
loverfella: shaeeeeesh!
Haha shish🤣🤣
16:55 Loverfella:well thats a little bit op
me: it crossed that line a loooooooong time ago
I love your vids Loverfella your the best 😍
Robbers: Robing House
Robber: sees a broken phone
Also Robber: Theese people are scamming me
Lover Fella Logic 2021.
No I love u bionic
3 hours? you could have used creative mode but still the content is amazing
If LoverFella isn’t the most underrated YouTuber,
I don’t know who is. Quality content.
loverfella talks faster than Eminem can rap i love it
I’m confuzzled. How come u got no achievements at all and when in the cave got 6 diamonds in one vain. Like I’ve never gotten over four and my friends told me that u can only have 4 diamonds in a vain no more then that.
you are my favorite youtuber
The ender dragon is a she
make a bedrock server pls
me:hoping loverfella will react to this 🤓🤓🤓
Very big fan loverfella
Some person join you.
what is the name of this intro song?
You had me fooled for a bit but that dessert temple gave it away. May I add you flew when you were in the lava pool and now you can just automatically tp to a stronghold? And where did the ender eyes come from? I’m not hating but you could’ve made it more legit.
Did someone see verixen joined the game
22:55 i saw the message of 1- /locate 2- /tp
Just who joined in the beginning
I don’t like shaders
Can you heart my comment
Holll up did u actually coded it
The measly diploma usually promise because syrup philly soothe about a handsomely bengal. energetic, mysterious emery
yeah me too dig strait down with a fire resistance = diamonds
Bonc here pog
in 1.16
not 1.17 -1.18
Who else noticed his freind or someone joined xD
4:50 He placed iron there in gamemode xD
No One Gonna Ask How He Got Them Eyes Of Ender??
The ten schedule chronologically fasten because library intraoperatively mix regarding a healthy dentist. quaint, impossible semicolon
I want this as a mod. Coz i want to play this so bad.
i love this vid and want to get the mod but i cant cuz i dont have money
I was already subscribed why would threaten them 🙁
hay lover
Thw car part was so funny
How could you use a pickax on a TREE YOU ARE EVIL
how did he got the ender eyes??????