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Minecraft Manhunt, But There’s Custom Jumps
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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt
(Video edited by Vitjok)
who else is before 300k
LETS GOO!!!! So close to 400K Boosfer, and Just from this video I know Kier and Dev will have a bad time in future manhunts, also I perfer to watch you as the runner then Kier and dev as runners. Maybe a Manhunt in the future where Silktouch gives op loot and you start with a silk touch stick so you can do the twist instantly. Also mean the hunters need to do a little exploring for chests if you know what i mean (; (;
Minecraft manhunt but there are guns😃👍
The Dutch tilt at 3:04 almost made me fall out of my chair. And I was on a couch.
anyone realize how as of today 10/18/21 he gained 3k subs in the past 8 hrs
"Blue and red equals purple."
-Boosfer, 2021
plot twist: the death was eddited because he cant miss.
17:31 thats sus O_O
sussy baka
2:46 bullysfer??
i think he meant boots not jumps xD
inb4 400k
Who else is before 200k gang
17:50: where YouTubers go to mine off-camera
Y'all are so funny, what the fuck.
Yellow just wants to roast them instead of being in the manhunt
17:32 :3
can i be in a video but i have a cracked acc pls it would mean so much
is it ok if….
Boosfer you should do the Dinosaur Mob
14:38 bro that was foul 😭
Dev is SCP 173 the Statue, if you don't look at the statue it moves incredibly quickly behind you and snaps your neck.
the sands of time joke is killing me
Minecraft manhunt but I randomly turn into other mobs
You should do something like this again, but some of the effects are bad and when you send the others your crafting recipes they will have to guess whether its a bad one or a good one
Minecraft !manhunt but every time the hunters are annoying you get op loot
Dont seend the recipe pls it whould be better if u dont tell them the twist im gonna unsub
Boosfer channel lore:
Who is RedstoneMultiMaster and why must we subscribe to them?!?
3:53 this is where he gets his 1st jump. For people who want to start at the juicy stuff 😉
Dev has become SCP-173 lol
You better keep looking at him xD
Wtf #42 on trending I saw you before 1k what the hell
if you drop some dripstone through the portal, itll kill the next person that goes through, meaning you cant go in after you drop it in
1:56 the video could have been over within the first two minutes :∆
Before 400 k badge
0:00 lol short
We’ve watched them get more and more gay
At this point I'm not even sure whether the "contract" exists but it would totally make sense
minecraft man hunt but everyone has a different twist
The fortnite death sound was perfect
I've been subscribed since 100k
mario, but with hacks