Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Custom Jumps

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Minecraft Manhunt, But There’s Custom Jumps

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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt

(Video edited by Vitjok)


46 thoughts on “Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Custom Jumps”

  1. LETS GOO!!!! So close to 400K Boosfer, and Just from this video I know Kier and Dev will have a bad time in future manhunts, also I perfer to watch you as the runner then Kier and dev as runners. Maybe a Manhunt in the future where Silktouch gives op loot and you start with a silk touch stick so you can do the twist instantly. Also mean the hunters need to do a little exploring for chests if you know what i mean (; (;

  2. You should do something like this again, but some of the effects are bad and when you send the others your crafting recipes they will have to guess whether its a bad one or a good one


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