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Minecraft, But There Are Custom Totems… (Challenge)
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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, mobs drop CUSTOM TOTEMS! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This was super overpowered.
#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft
You know the villagers look the same as totem of undying right
All the totem designs are so good
Had to have 69 xp levels in the intro😂😂
We Need Null Totem
I like the way he says the ender dragon "she" instead of "it" Use CC to Know am not lying.. 17:40
im just curious abt the 6 steak and 9 sticks at the start
Fake speedruns be like
if you kill the dragon you get a totem of the dragon?
whats the mod?
im always getting ready for the scream at the intro
Plis show the mod install link please
Who misses uhc:(
How can we get a coin
I have a question is there a wither totem?
What is the seed for this world?
Lol this guy si so funny best yt
wow 69 lvls lvl of culture
but what about the evoker totem ;-;
Can I get the mod link?
Wisp:Can I bit minecraft without dieing?
Also Wisp:*Setting his spawn*
Wisp:keeps on killing
villager:this is payback
Wisp:why does this villager have trades like this? oh……..
Minecraft but breaking totems give u op items
Please give me the link of mod
The endernan totem
Fake Minecraft speedruners be like ….
Should've Show us the Wither, Drowned, Guardians, Elder G.
whats the name of the pack
Not the 69 exp at the beginning
Lets play this mod in hardcore
if your looking to watch small youtubers thread…
The Dragon totem in thumbnail is looking like a bat totem
We going for 3M wisp