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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.
Call Me Kevin
Minecraft but my world is in a jar
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft
Small tip! Poison will only ever bring you down to half a heart. The best course of action is to just wait out the effect in a safe place and heal once it’s gone.
kevin pretty much burned his notch apple….I am very triggered.
kevin walking on a single block road freaks me out.
Its funny, since there is water and lava in the first jar you could just simply make a cobble gen and never worry about blocks ever again. Also the wood is a pretty deceent strategy. You could also turn it into slabs giving you 8 "blocks" per wood. Make your bridges out of bottom slabs and boom, mob proof as well.
The early Markiplier fan in me awoke when Kevin said Where's the Blacksmith💀
My skyblock brain was already planning a cobblestone generator, and then using cobblestone slabs as bridges to prevent spawning and then rationing every single piece of dirt on that map
Bruh antvenon did this like 7 years ago
"First eat bread, then no mercy" Perfect. 😀
Does anyone else play minecraft with kev? (as in play the videos and play minecraft at the same time)
I personally prefer my worlds being limited size. I remember loving it back on the old Minecraft 360 Edition. If your world has a size limit, it means you can potentially fill it up. You can "complete" it. It also gives the game a whole different feeling, like you're stranded on a big island, as opposed to just being able to wander off in any direction for as long as you want. It's pretty neat, and I definitely suggest everyone that likes Minecraft giving a go at playing on a limited-size world at least once.
Heck, I still go back and play on the 360 Edition, specifically because of it.
The internet really made me think of jars differently
The spyro music in the background makes me happy
I think ive been watching too mich kecin i was like “he better get off that tree or hes gonna die” then kevin proceeds to go “better get down slowly”
Kevo can u please turn on connected textures ty x
haha just like briish people
Be an anime figure simulator
I wish this video was three hours long instead
I took a hit every time he said jar. I'm 7 minutes in and already ZONKED
This is so cool and an inspiration I’m inspired to do something similar, but it will have to wait until I wake up it’s 4 AM
did anyone else notice the spyro music in the background?
Ah I see Grognak the village destroyer has made their return
Please do more bitlife videos
Doesn’t even blink at the god apple in the temple
What a pickle!
We’re all in a cage within a jar
Douro music and Minecraft not bad
This concept is quite interesting, I am excited to see more jars in the future
Oh gosh, not the jar
"its rotten and filthy and its stinks…yeah its exactly like currency" anti-captialist kevin???
did anyone else catch the sonic adventure music at 7:30??
Kevin's one chunk addiction trying to discreetly reappear
that mr krabs filter was a jumpscare
What mod is this?
The salmon chilling in the one block thick stream is living his best life
Cobblestone generator
Tfw he's bridging with sold blocks of cobblestone before ever making a cobblestone generator, and didn't even consider making slabs.
Wow, he doesn't even know that berries are a food.
kevin is so goddamn entertaining without even trying
12:27 BEANS !!!!
Little did Kevin know that minecraft was always in a .jar! P.S Keep up the amazing content Kevin!!!