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pressure plate is the best strat in prop hunt
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Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t do anything but oh well
This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / tiktok / short ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.18 in 2023
Isnt teleporting cheating?
The second shot hit the ceiling. A third shot hit the ceiling a fourth shot has hit the ceiling. Many shots later paper man kills wood man
Them villagers were lowkey sellin you bro 😂
just tnt the whole room at this point
This can never be used again, sad
but fun
the "small" mods bro added to the server
Nah wtf, there is no way this man claimed moving is cheating then proceeded to literally teleport to him. There's definitely a cheater here but it ain't the one trying to hide.
Doesnt notice pressure plate unless it was painfully obvious
Minecraft + prop hunt looks so good
"Sir, another shot has been fired"
I heard it as "Minecraft, but I'm a Pressure Plate in the ass to find me."
"Shoot more, more. Just keep going." 💀💀💀
Does anyone know servers with same hide and seek mechanics?
Nice video
Teleporting makes hin forfit
which server is this?
AHA!!! 🔪
“There is no way you’re on the move, that also defeats the purpose.”
Staying still would make it a bit too easy with the massive fireworks coming out of him
Do a button
I'd say palpers lost
You should do a piece of string next
Bro should have looked at the villagers. They tell him where you are
Bro is NOT popularmmos💀
Bros so bad he had to cheat😂😂😂
Palpers was cheating
"mr president, another shot has been fired"
"AHA! >:)"
Look at the villagers they look at him
Cheappickle from timo
What happened to the sestbelts 😐
Prop Hunt has always been about moving around lololol
انصحك نصيحه لوجه الله تعالى اي فديو تسمعه او تشوفه حاول انك تترك فيه استغفار او ذكر الله الخ الخ عسى الله يغفر لك ( استغفرو يا جماعه)
Jesus died for you guys he loves you so much he took the punishment you deserved and when he died he gave us the holy Spirit and he is the only true God if you wish to follow him pray this: father God im sorry for sinning against you please forgive me for I have confessed my sins and your word says that you are faithful to forgive me, chassatize me and help me. I wish to follow you In Jesus name Amen.
Bro i wish i could play ts
The villagers should've given that away, they looked right at him because they knew the truth😅
Do string next😂
Hide as a light source block
That aha was so funny
That "AHA!" released all that pent-up rage inside him
Villagers casually looking at a pressure plate the whole time