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Snapshot 24w05a is here and it includes the Vault Block, our solution to what the Trial Key does!
Check out the patch notes and more snapshot information here:
▶ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-24w05a
They’ve also released 24w05b to address a bug! Check out the patch notes for that here too:
▶ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-24w05b
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#knarfy #minecraft #update
Knarfy you could probably break minecraft by having thousands of those pots smashing at the same time, dropping everything inside them.
Great video!
trial chambers are honestly such a great addition, they cover combat, exploration and building all in one feature, now we wait and see how mojang pisses the community off again after such a great update
What do you guys think of the vault? 👀
16 minutes gang
This is the earliest I've been for a Knarfy vid i think 😀
Minecraft is changing into geometry dash frfr
Super amazing block i allown players to make secret door that only oper for one player
if you combine an observer with a vault you know…
So much potential for that portal in the deep dark just waisted
I dont know what to think about trial chambers because when you think about it, its a less dramatic copy of minecraft dungeons yet it is a good addition to Minecraft
This is great!
imagine trying to run away from like the dweller or the man from the fog in those chambers. it would be a nightmare. 😱
Honestly, the vault looks kinda like scp 096 not gonna lie
I think it would be cool if they added another use for any extra trial keys you have, like maybe a locked shulker box that could be crafted with netherite and you could bind a key to it.
Bro doing a 360 4:15
It's just like the Minecraft Dungeons level game!
Only true fans know that the title used to be Minecraft’s New Update is an Fascinating Choice 💀
I'll bet you that Mojang will nerf the Vaults before they release the non-snapshot version.
It'd be really cool if they made it so you could make your own Vaults with different loot inside.
Well to NOT break the game you need to enchant every of your items with unbreaking III i guess. 😈😈😈 The game can beat you now!
Finally! The best best update since 1.18!
Its ok I think copper should be used for a lot more then just decoration
They did say the loot tables could be very different, they just chose this for now, I think either rarer keys and better rewards or slightly more vaults
I’m kinda biased because my favorite game is terraria but like… dungeon specific keys for a chest/chamber that gives you randomized items?
Snapshot day again.
a Fascinating Choice
I'll do one push up for every like this comment gets
hmm, bananas could be red and were just all colorblind
I feel like the breeze should also target 'target' blocks .
Nice vid!