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In this video I tell you about all the minecraft 1.17 news of the last week!
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A week ago we got snapshot 21w03a, which introduced the glow squid. But we didn’t get a minecraft 1.17 snapshot 21w04a. We did get a couple of tweets from kingbdogz and slicedlime why there was no snapshot! Last week a new bedrock beta was released which included the pointed dripstone and sculk sensors for minecraft bedrock edition. We will most likely get another snapshot next week, which will be snapshot 21w05a!
Tweets shown in the video:
No snapshot 21w04a:
Glowsquid surviving:
Respect the devs:
New bedrock beta:
Glow lichen:
Axolotl feedback:
Glow squid is actually great:
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#minecraft #21w04a #snapshot
i am 100% sure that the next week snapshot, 20w05a will introduce the warden, along with the sculk growths blocks and the "deep dark" biome.
i swear the amount of frogs they post.
kinda sus
Can't wait for lush caves
Good luck Max, I hope your better at tests than me
I feel like Bedrock team is a bit lazy. I mean C++ is waaay easier then java, bedrock was suppose to be the main minecraft so I think there are more devs there. And they done almost nothing. I mean, there are mods made by one person in 5 months with a lot of content while they did one mob and 3 items. Honestly I don’t wanna hate them, but that is kinda laziness.
The devs are tricking the community with the frogs lol
Oh no i was waiting this snapshot 1 weeks its not a big time but im so depressed ":(.
i feel like a cool idea for the dripstone would be that it could also fall from loud noises, like in real life (ex. tnt explosion) and it could have a certain radius depending on the loudness of the sound and how close the sound was to the dripstone.
Now they have to cancel 1.17 for sure
I am mad
Rip good we have one next week
Ur name is Mario like mine? 😳😳
I love how you put a love on every comment to show that u read them!
Minecraft has gotta stop cancelling snapshots
At this point cancel the update already.
I always wait on thursday..
and this.. can't wait next week.
Lmao i have a exam too.
if theyre skipping so many weeks im assuming that the few snapshots we're getting are gonna start adding more and more as we get closer to this summer. im kinda worried if it'll even come out on time if they keep going on this rate because it's been almost 4 months and theyve only added around 1/4 of the update's content it seems. i wouldn't be mad if there was a delay though because that means the official release will be higher quality.
Ok another delay,
Fine with this since last time we got a snapshot too! 🙂
I also hope they add the "glow versions" of some blocks, this will be so useful because if you're lost you can see it from far away and you wouldn't be lost
Ok at this point I'm starting to think they need to delay this update im don't get me wrong I completely understand they don't owe us anything and they will put out the snapshots when they are ready but thats just it they haven't even implemented half of what they showed us we were getting yet and knowing how they work their updates there is usually a fair bit more than what they show but with this update snapshot are so few and far between and the snapshots that do come out are let's be honest usually quite small and its at the point where I'm left think where are they gonna find the time to finish this update if it takes them 2 weeks to add 1 mob and 3 items when they have such huge plans its getting rather hard to believe that this update could come out in any stable state if it did release in summer and I'd rather wait longer than have a rushed unfinished update with missing possible features because they wanted to get the update out so they said nah we won't add this new idea I just want this update to be the best it can be
Mojang is really kinda lazy recently, I remember it wasn't like this when 1.16 snapshots released every weeks.
Lol 1:43 fortnite stans/fanboy roasting minecraft. lMAO 🤣
The reason they cancelling the snapshot because the dev need break tho we are just asking and asking but the dev is so tired
I hope you studied enough. Instead of playing minecraft!!!
Good luck with your exam!
4:49 did that redstone particle turn blue?
New generation when?
Are ya nl
I am
thats really good video
Oh I need to search 21w05a not 21w04a
I knew it you canceled the 21w04a snapshot! Please stop doing that!
Why is it bedrock edition java edition please