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Minecraft But Water Teleports You…
Anytime I touch water in this minecraft video, I instantly get teleported to a random location in the game. I’m basically an enderman because touching the water teleports me away. Can the best minecraft player in the world (me) find diamonds before getting teleported by water? Watch this funny minecraft video/short to find out! This is not minecraft manhunt or minecraft but lava rises or anything like that, but minecraft but water teleports you in a minecraft shorts video format for your viewing pleasure.
#shorts #minecraft
Subscribe for FREE nether water!
how can you put water in the nether?
He placed water in the nether
Processing information…… WAIT DUDE DID YOU JUST PUT WATER IN THE NETHERyou just put water in another
Water in the Nether
Me:hey placing water in the nether is illegal
Jaavelin:no it can be done…
Water does not go in the nether you’re probably leaving and re-joining a different world because in the nether is a joining world
That's illegal
Your all videos goal diamond
Hol it i thought i had just a fu- bruh moment
Places water in the nether it's impossible
When you saw the shipwreck there was a monument in the background
Huh he put water in the nether
You can’t put water in the nether
Too easy!!
Jaavelin: if I touch water I teleport
Also him at the start: aAAhH wHY DiD thIS wATER tElEPortEd mEeeEEEEe
The music gives me memories 🙂
How do you put water in the nether
Jaavelin: place water in the nether
Notch: ay that not how the game works!
Mojang: ay yo what the fu-
Fun fact 99% comments tell about you placing water in nether
How do you put water in the nether