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Minecraft 1.17 in 5 minutes…
spook explains all the new features in Mojang’s latest Minecraft update, 1.17 / The Caves & Cliffs Update Part 1.
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#minecraft #cavesandcliffs #part1
this was nice
When part 1 of caves and cliffs came out, i tried to activate my minehut server but it wont activate, why is this happening
the caves and cliffs update with no caves or cliffs…
He actually did it….. an update in 5 minutes or less XD love it
woah tinted glass!? that’s awesome!!
no caves
Am I late?
It’s not here for me on my ipad
You can always pour lava in a cauldron
thanks so much!
Personally not a fan of the new ore textures :/ BUT everything else looks great! 😊
Is this on PS4 too?
I cant find new caves, amethyst geodes, lush, or the wardens labyrinth. so I cant find any new generation but I have the blocks. someone help
what is the light block called
So is the giant caves not added yet?
Update is trash
thank you for a non 20 minute video
This video better blow up it's so well put together
Tuff looks shiny
When is the next part of update dropping!
how do you make it be exactly 5 min?! its amazing! you are amazing!
When the "caves and cliffs" Update doesn't have any caves and cliffs 😆
6.9k views. ahem NICE
Dude talk too fast and this video is 5 minutes STRAIGHT
very pog
Nice vid, needed this, hate time wasters
good vid but next time can you turn the music down a bit it was a little hard for me to hear you
yes, this is an incredibly game changing update. so much so that you took 5 minutes!! amazing video, as always.
I haven’t got it yet
Your like my science and math teacher but she likes Minecraft
Thanks Spook!!! This helped me understand the update better!!
Respect to you for making this short and straight to the point for viewers just wanting to know what was added in. Thank you.
Great video man! Very useful 🙂
Bruuuh it’s 5 minutes and 1 second bruhhhhhhh
0:05 Best Stunts in movies be like:
quick and good