WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #72

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46 thoughts on “WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #72”

  1. Another fun video! Here's an idea: Use the giant bucket to scoop up the lava ocean in the nether, then put it in a blast furnace and have it instantly smelt a stack of ore. Or make it explode if you're feeling lazy.

  2. Idea: you grow watermelon watermelon becomes giant and keeps on growing and you have to run away from it so then you dig down and fall into lava but before for into the lava and enderman picks you up and saves you

  3. Idea: Arrange 5 Logs and 1 Iron Block together on a crafting table in the same manner as a shield in order to craft a giant shield.

    Idea: Enchant a stack of Eggs with Loyalty then throw them far away. The Baby Chickens that spawn all fly towards you.

    Idea: Pick up a Villager then put it on a campfire. The villager sleeps on the campfire for a few seconds then pops back into an item called Grillager. Eat the Grillager

  4. The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies (BTC,ETH…).

  5. Idea: you make a portal and, before you light it, your friend throws a pokeball with a Pikachu inside of it. The Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to light up the portal so you can go into the Nether. When you go into the End Portal, the Ender Dragon could be a Charizard so Pikachu could battle him!!!


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