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Well, be showing you a quick tutorial on how to build a plate in Minecraft 1.16. This plate tutorial only works on the Bedrock edition of Minecraft and does not work on the Java edition of Minecraft. If you have any questions please comment them below and ill do my best to reply to them and if you found the video helpful please drop a like and subscribe.
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#Minecraft #Tutorial #Shorts
I hope you all enjoyed learning how to build a plate! Please like, comment, subscribe, and check out my other Minecraft videos! Thanks for watching!
What is the song called? I need to know so I can tell my brother.
Me: simply uses pressure plate
Whats the music called
Man, you supposed to put low quality candyland lol
Hes secretly saying were short
I enjoyed the music from “cat does laundry for 10 hours”
This is what Minecraft has become…building a plate
It s great
I mean you could literally just use the item frame and it would look fine
Keep in mind that this is bedrock edition, and might not work on Java edition.
Are you really unironically using this song?
Short simple good but copyright from subs world
God bless youa
Does it work in 1.17?
I remember this song what’s this song?
… We knew these before 4 years…
Wait thats on bedrock edition?
Bruh you should of had this music instead
Stop 2 on how to blow people’s mind:
Oh my god I thought that said plane and was so confused
nice background music..
Carbon gameing I ally ready do and is better than ours
Thanks this will be perfect for my hoise
Can you do one where it is not on bedrock and on java please
Yeah nobody gon look and see a dead man
Did u notice the start, music synced with the blocks :O
With this music in Minecraft, make a video showing how to punch wood lmao
I know how to make a plate all ready but thank you my cousin is happy now
But why you dont use item frame and put it on table