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93 Secrets Hidden Inside of Minecraft
Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina
Produced by Jonah Walters and Jeremy Schrecengost
Researched in part by MonocleMC
Edited by BBelle, LocalJon, Yashtin Rivera, Brennan Moore, and Jeenneette Wolfe
Footage collected by Santiago Cachero, Frankie Mundo, Jonah Walters, Jordan Cross, and Abelardo Robles
Removed Herobrine (totes…)
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
Other Credits:
Just so you know if you have a wall and wind charges you can climb the wall by throwing it at the perfect time
0:06 Wind rod disappeared
It’s great to see you back
35:53 Kenadian moment
make the september series in 18 days
24:10 just use a ligtning rod with the trident and its cheaper and infinte usable AND IF IT RAINING AND NOT THUNDER IT WILL MAKE THUNDER
Takis are not d tier
Wouldn’t the heavy core also fit on basalt
9:53 why is there wool instead of bedrock
18:42 can someone tell me the name of that song?
Minecraft education. Not Minecraft education edition.
Yeah, I couldnt sleep since all my birds were making mob sounds
00:05 mace shovel would be interesting
4:56 ohohoooo, sh**!
about №17 you put logs insted of plancks you would need more crafters but it would be 4 times more boats😁
16:11 "I am Sparticus!"
"I am Sparticus!"
"I am Sparticus!"
"I am Sparticus!"
"I am Sparticus!"
August series?
Hi skip love the vids
17:20 to be fair, the diamonds used in record players are industrial ones, so they are pretty cheap since diamonds aren’t actually rare
skip the bedrock stuff
1:48 1:48 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:49 1:50 1:50 1:50 1:50 1:51 1:51 1:51 o clock is the most common way for me to get my hair done and then I will have my haircut tomorrow I don’t want it all over again and I’m just going back in time I will have it on Monday morning so you have it in
8:10 @LetsHugo
10:20 how to make the data packs?
Yippee he's back
For the treasure chest one to find them on jave hit f3 and go to the part where it's say your placement in the chunk go to (9, x, 9) on the chunk where the x on the map is and dig down I've done it since I've learned about it and it hasn't failed me so try it
why do you not care about us bedrock edition players. You think all of us are on Java. Not true.
Lets see the secrets!! 😀
I tried the breeze curve thing in my super flat world in a village and it didn’t work
The fact he still is bothering, so hard, proves why she is with him. Bahaha the anomaly is her having no spine yeah okay sure keep telling yourself that. Can lead a horse to water but.
I swear they are just adding bedrock features to Java but not the other way around. 😡
1:59 Gerg has been summoned
I always did that… Damn. Java is sooo weird.
The July series was really good!! Thank you for making it!
Oh wow he is back 😊