Let's Play Minecraft Hardcore! – The Village Wall! Ep. 2

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

GeminiTay is playing in season 2 of her hardcore world, this is episode 2 in the winter village! Today we work on some basic farms and get a wall going around the village. If you missed the first episode, this is the same world as the cherry village, we have just started over for fun.

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Recorded with OBS
Minecraft version 1.21


20 thoughts on “Let's Play Minecraft Hardcore! – The Village Wall! Ep. 2”

  1. This has been so much fun so far! And hey, every castle (and I'd say the manor is almost a small early-ish medieval keep, so close enough) has to have secret entrances! I mean, where's the fun otherwise?
    In my head I'm kinda envisioning all the paintings Gem's put up as being like tapestries/fabric wall hangings, because in a cold climate it'd make sense, heavy fabric tapestries would help insulate against the cold a bit more than the stone walls while also being nice and decorative. And that actually kinda works with the secret entrance thing too I think, it'd be easy to slip behind the corner of a tapestry, compared to a framed painting

  2. Great video as always Gem! I really love wacthing your videos, I love the way you build a storyline and I love your builds! I allways look forward to your videos!
    My solution to stop the water from freezing is to put a trapdoor above it, the crops will still grow and the water won't freeze. <3<3<3

  3. About the water freezing, yeah torches work! What also works is waterlogging a block, and if there are any solid blocks above a source of water, it won't freeze. So the water in your cute cellar won't freeze!

  4. I’m not sure why but this new hardcore series has me SO excited! It is VERY cozy. I almost never settle down in snowy biomes, but they do make for very cool/fun bases


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