Surviving Minecraft's Most Horrifying Mods (#3)

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#disturbing #scary #horrorminecraft
This is the most horrifying minecraft mod I have ever used! Goat man is minecraft’s most horrifying mod and the man from the fog is terrifying. So I decided to add them both to my minecraft survival world….

After watching thrite and Calvin play with this mod and his video Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Mod and Calvin’s I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The Fog #1 in his Minecraft from the fog series I was inspired to test out the mod. Then after previously surviving the man from the fog I decided to add the goatman which is minecrafts most terrifying and horrifying mod possibly ever. They haunt me 24/7 in my new minecraft survival series but can I survive? Lets find out.

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