is the ENDER DRAGON harder on BEDROCK?! #minecraft

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35 thoughts on “is the ENDER DRAGON harder on BEDROCK?! #minecraft”

  1. To make the dragon easier on bedrock you can use a projectile on its face to cause it to take more damage. if you haven't done it before it can be a little finicky but otherwise it's a great method. Also, don't hit it with another projectile after that, as it will reverse the effect and you have to shoot its head again

  2. Ngl I think the ender dragon fight is easier on bedrock because of how much dmg spam attacks do. I didn't even break that many crystals but once she perched I just spammed with my sword and she just died.

    Maybe more annoying. But easier to kill

  3. False, bedrock deagon is a joke because it heals much dlower and can be spam clicked, and also if you dhott any projectile at yhe ender dragons head it takes way more damage so with just a sharp V diamond sword, dhooting a dingle atrow at its head first, and then dpamming ehile getting crits you can fo like half the dragons health

  4. And also its even harder since when the dragon reaches the bedrock thing it destroys any blast reistance block like obsidian except for bedrock so its very hard to kill him using beds since it does way less damage aswell. And The fact that he sometimes launches you hundreds of blocks above lol

  5. The dragon also shota the breath much more often idk why but it just feels like it does it way more, idk if it is a visual glitch but it just looks like it shots it way more often

  6. I'm gonna say it as a bedrock player: java or bedrock the ender dragon is easy you just need to get prepared also i use a strategy of just hiding behind obsidian pillars so it doesn't see me and i even beat it with barely any food and after it destroyed my water bucket (the breath can destroy even water) so just don't have skill issue


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