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Minecraft wait what meme part 162 (many realistic huggy wuggy)
Funny moments in Minecraft.
Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments.
To Be Continued – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LTxfVaISf4v3ryUnIt53Ec4
Best Traps – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDTrOLSv9LQvL2Jltoq2cLyls9Z3lBd1
ITS scary
I love your every video
Oh ly shit 😳
Its so funnyyyy😆😆😆
# We will not support gays _# We will not play games that support gay _# We will not play Minecraft
great bro
0:15 My pc started smoking while watching this video
5:34 Pig Spawners are very rare why did you need to put the what screen
Very funny
I wait part 163
Pls make wait what part 163
Hi 😊
he is honestly one of the most dedicated and consistent content creators
When mojang starts making Minecraft in 4k or something else that make it look realistic
Shouldn't the arrow and snowball get stuck in the honey if you throw it in the middle
Growing plants super long that can go through the skies you can visit the giant or destroy it and making it rain
Imagine doing that on the mob that would be so sad for them
Different colors of those things chasing after you
Pigs in the mob spawner in the cave see the chest but there's nothing inside
Since you can dye leather armor leather horse armor and leather tools well that's only if you can so why not dye other armors and tools
I don't think it's fun I think it's mean like just let him go inside and sleep
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It's hard to grow on YouTube, even with so many battles and defeats, I won't give up on my dream here on YouTube ❤ even with so much work on my videos and few views I have faith in God everything will be alright amen ❤❤
2:13 satisfying
New over update is 1
Pink iron sword
I live in uk
4:20 Now we know what the Huggy Wuggies do. In other Huggy Wuggy clips from earlier videos, JoSa Craft didn't show the entire event. Now, we get to see exactly what they do and to make matters worse, there are 1/2 a dozen coming at ya.
omg huggy wuggy is starting to get anoying
0:16. Realistic ender pearl.
Top 10 most horrible torture in the world
Number 1:. 7:28
How are you, my friend. 😍 ✨ Awesome upload thanks. 👍 Have a good weekend. 😊💖
why this
I live in the U.K.
Hi Josa Craft
Lol 1:55