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fWhip transformed a VILLAGE in hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!
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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival
Hey folks! This is episode 30, which means a brand new WORLD TOUR!! You can check it out here on fWhipTwo! https://youtu.be/TNmknirVayc Thank you for all the support so far!! World download is available to members, join the discord, link up your account and you'll get access! (link in description)
build a auto storage
floorage room
the masons house is set in stone? xD
i have a couple of ideas for what you could do in the world if you need a little help:
1. make a proper entrance for your underground city
2. Make a bunch of automated farms of things that you need
3.create a massive Temple or Museum and collect everything in the game as a little achievement for the world and yourself(it would be very tedious to do it , maybe a couple of streams of you collecting stuff and hanging with chat or something)
4. Make a big storage system for all of the items and bulk storage
5.Make a couple of themed builds(space themed, modern themed, royal themed, theme park themed,etc.)
(mainly for you especially with this one because you can experiment and dabble into different styles that you normally dont build in)
But on a side note,
I am absolutely loving the world so far, keep the grind up always, and i hope you dont die and cant wait to see you build even more. And as always stay safe and take your time.
6:22 you down bad fwhip!
6:20 looks a bit sus
Holy crap, why are the wandering trader trades so good? Has there been some kind of a buff recently? I didn't think they could even sell ancient debris. Or is it a mod?
Which shaders he is using
3 netherite ingots
Fwhip…great building. Dammit. Now I have to go try to build half as good in my villlage. Sigh.
Yeah boii
Why you tap more. There is nothing here.
you saying "internal celing" made me rotf laughing, it caught me off-guard
glad to see he hardcore world is all good but my biggest concern is the state of the Building with fWhip world
ik you haven't uploaded an episode from there in forever bc you needed a break but just curious your best work is still in tact?

Don't mind me just commenting for the alg, this guy works way too hard to not do so!
i swear every time i watch one of your videos or participate in a livestream i always hear at least one song from a game ive played nonstop
first it was subnautica, and now monster prom! its around 9:40–9:50 i think. truly amazing lol
on a more related topic, this looks absolutely amazing! i aspire to one day be as good as you at building
Fwhip. I am happy that you are doing these builds. Honestly, this stuff has gone and inspired me to be a better builder in my Minecraft world.
But.. We NEED to sort your shulker messes. And how to best clean them up.
Which can be done by.. Building a giant warehouse meant for all your storage needs, and having a sorting system included in it. This will also include a Shulker unloader that will then funnel into the storage system.
10:19 he sounded so offended LOL
All your builds are always awesome but sir your city building skills are easily leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else
your building skills are so amazing keep up the great work!
26:14 shoot, now there’s a fWhip religion.
Please kill your chest monster(s) next episode
"Ah! Cat! Ah!"-Fwhip
When is the day we’re he can actually walk through his house
I’ve never wanted to be a Minecraft villager more in my entire life
Make a unlimited dirt farm then you will be able to have an endless supply of mud, dirt, course dirt and packed mud